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By AJ Brown

Real Conditionals

If …. Then…
What are they?
There are two kinds of real conditional sentences:

1.Future Real Conditionals – describe situations

that have not happened but will happen under
a certain circumstance.

1.Present Real Conditionals - describe situations

that always happen under the same
(1) Future Real Conditionals
In other words, the “will” verb only
• If you heat water, it will boil.
happens when the “if” verb occurs.

• This shirt will shrink if you wash it.

• If it is rainy tomorrow, I’m going to the movies.
• I will give a student a zero if he cheats or
What are the verb tenses?
Did you notice…?
• Which verb tenses are used in future real
dependent (if) clause = simplesimplepresent

independent (main) clause = future futurewill

willor be
or be
going to to
• What is the punctuation?
if clause first = tomatoes

if clause second = Allison is comma

no comma
(2) Present Real Conditionals

• If AJ has money, she spends it.the present simple

Both verbs use

• This window squeaks if you get it wet.

• If he exercises in the morning, he feels better.
• She calls campus escorts if she walks back
from the library at night.
ALMOST like a time clause “when”
• When AJ has money, she spends it.
• This window squeaks when you get it wet.
• When he exercises in the morning, he feels
• She calls campus escorts when she walks back
from the library at night. “if” = real conditional
“when” = time (adverb) clause
Now you try…
• If the glass (break) ____________,
breaks the water
(spill out) _________________.
will spill out
• This tree (make) ____________
will make apples if it
• The police (call)____________
will call if they (find)
find your purse.

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