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Evaluate: -i3219 – i427 + i18

A. 2i – 1 C. 4i – 3
C. 3i – 2 D. 4i – 4
2. Evaluate √-7 multiplied by √-10.

A. √70 C. –√70
B. √70i D. – √70i
3. Find A + B + C in polar form if A =
40e120°I, B = 20∠-40° and C = 26.46
+ 0i.

A. 34.8∠45° C. 32.8∠30°
B. 30.8∠45° D. 31.8∠40°
4. Find the principal 5th root of 50(cos
150° + isin 150°).

A. 1.9 + 1.1i C. 1.2 + 1.5i

B. 2 + 1.7i D. 1.9 + 2i
5. Evaluate ln (2 + j3).

A. 1.28 + j0.98
B. 3.28 + j5.98
C. 2.28 + j1.98
D. 3.28 + j2.98
6. If 3x + 4yi – 6 – 7i = 0, find (x +
yi)(2 + 4i)

A. -4 + 13.5i C. -3 + 11.5i
B. -2 + 12.5i D. -1 + 14.5i
7. Evaluate sin (3 + j4).

A. 2.85–j28.02
B. 1.85–j26.02
C. 4.85 + j25.02
D. 3.85–j27.02
8. Evaluate tanh [j(π/3)]

A. j√3 C. j√2
B. j√5 D. j
Matrix – any rectangular array of
numbers consisting of m and n
9. What is the cofactor of 2nd row 3rd
column element of the matrix

A. -10 C. 11
C. 10 D. 11
17. Evaluate Γ9.

A. 362880 C. 40320
B. 5040 D. 3628800
Taylor Series
If T0 = 2π
a0 
f(t)    an cosnt  bn sinnt
2 n 1
1  1 
an   f(t)dt an   f(t)cosntdt
   
1 
bn   f(t) sinntdt
 

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