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Hand Out 4


Bentuk Cangkang : bentuk keseluruhan dr cangkang foraminifera.

Bentuk-bentuk cangkang / test
1 Tabuler : tabung
2 Bifurcating : cabang
3 Radiate : radial
4 Arborescent : pohon
5 Irregular : tidak teratur
6 Hemisperical : setengah bola
7 Zigzag : berbelok2 ventral
8 Conical : kerucut
9 Spherical : bola
10 Cancellate : seperti gada
11 Discoidal : cakram
12 Biumbilicate : 2 umbilicus planispiral
13 Biconvex : cembung di 2 sisi
14 Flaring : seperti obor
15 Spiroconvex : cembung di sisi dorsal
16 Umbilicoconvex : cembung di sisi
17 Lenticular : pipih
18 biumbilicate : lensa
19 Fusiform : gabungan
Bentuk Kamar : bentuk masing2 kamar pembentukan test.

Jenis2 bentuk kamar :

1 Spherical
2 Pyriform
3 Tabular
4 Globular
5 Oved
6 Hemisperical
7 Angular truncate
8 Angular romboid
9 Angular conical
10 Radial elongate
11 Claved
12 Tubulospinate
13 Cyclical
14 Flatulose
15 Semicircular

1. Planispiral, sifat terputar pada satu bidang, semua kamar terlihat, pandangan
serta jumlah kamar ventral dan dorsal sama. Contoh : Hastigerina
2. Trochospiral, sifat terputar tidak pada satu bidang, tidak semua kamar terlihat,
pandangan serta jumlah kamar ventral dan dorsal tidak sama. Contoh: Globigerina
3. Streptospiral, Sifat mula-mula trochospiral, kemudian planispiral sehingga
menutupi sebagian atau kamar-kamar sebelumnya. Contoh: Pulleniatina


1. Tertekan (melekuk), rata, atau muncul dipermukaan test. Contoh :

Chilostomella colina, untuk bentuk suture tertekan.
2. Lurus, melengkung lemah, sedang atau kuat. Contoh : orthomorphiao
challengeriana, untuk bentuk suture lurus.
3. Sutur yang mempunyai hiasan. Contoh : Elphindium incertum, untuk bentuk
hiasan yang berupa bridge.

1. Jumlah kamar & putaran untuk klasifikasi foraminifera

2. Spesies ttt mempunyai jumlah kamar pd sisi Ventral (hampir pasti) sedang
pd Dorsal (berhubungan dg jumlah putaran).
3. Jumlah putaran yg banyak berarti jumlah kamar juga banyak.
4. Jumlah putaran dan kamar dlm 1 spesies (harnpir pasti).
5. Pd susunan kamar
• Trochospiral (jumlah putaran dpt diamati pd sisi dorsal
• Planispiral (jumlah putaran pd sisi ventral dan dorsal mempunyai
kenampakan yang sarna)

Cara menghitung putaran :

1. Menentukan arah perputaran dari cangkang.
2. Menentukan urutan pertumbuhan kamar-kamamya
3. Menarik garis pertolongan yg memotong kamar 1 dan 2.
4. Menarik garis tegak lurns melalui garis pertolongan pd kamar 1 dan 2.
Arah perputaran dari 1 ke 13

Involute trochospiral

Planispiral growth

Streptospiral growth

• Lubang utama dari test foraminifera yg terletak pd kamar terakhir.

• Khusus foraminifera plankton bentuk aperture maupun variasinya lebih sederhana.
• Umumnya mempunyai bentuk apertur utama interiomarginal yang terletak pd dasar (tepi)
kamar akhir (septal face) dan melekuk kedalam, ter1ihat pada bagian ventral (perut).

Macam apertur : 3

a. Primary Aperture Interiomarginal

 Primary Aperture Interiomarginal Umbilical,
 Primary Aperture Interiomarginal Umbilical Extra Umbilical,
 Primary Aperture Interiomarginal Equatorial,

b. Secondary Aperture / Supplementary Aperture

c. Accessory Aperture
Macam apertur : 3
A. Primary Aperture Interiomarginal (apertur primer/utama): 3

1. PAI “Umbilical”
: aperture utama yg terletak pd daerah umbilicus / pusat putaran. (Globigerina)
2. PAI “Umbilical Extra Umbilical”
: aperture utama yg melebar sampai ke peri-peri. (Globorotalia)
3. PAI “Equatorial”
: adalah yg terletak pd daerah equator, dg ciri-ciri dari samping kelihatan simetri dan
hanya dijumpai pada susunan kamar planispiral.
Equator merupakan batas putaran akhir dg putaran sebelum pd peri-peri.
(Hastigerina, Hantkenina)

B. Secondary Aperture / Supplementary Aperture

Merupakan lubang lain dari aperture utama dan lebih kecil atau lubang tambahan
dari aperture utama.( Globigerinoides)

C. Accessory Aperture
Merupakan aperture sekunder yg terletak pdastruktur accessory / aperture
tambahan. ( Catapsydrax )
Pengenalan Genus dan Spesies Foraminifera Plankton

Superfamili Globigerinicea dibagi menjadi:

1. Famili Globigeriniidae
• bentuk test spherical /hemispherical,
• bentuk kamar globular dan
• susunan kamar trochospiral rendah / tinggi.
• Aperture umumnya terbuka lebar dg posisi yg terletak pd umbilicus, pd
suture / apertural face.
1.1. Genus Orbulina (ciri khas) :
Aperture small opening, akibat dari terselubungnya seluruh kamar-kamar
sebelumnya oleh kamar terakhir.
Orbulina universa Orbulina bilobata

Orbulina suturalis
1.2. Genus Globigerina
Susunan kamar trochospiral, aperture interiomarginal umbilical, hiasan pd permukaan
Globigerina seminulina
Globigerina nepenthes Ciri khas : kamar spherical satu yg terakhir
Ciri khas : aperturenya melengkung semi elongate. Umbilicus kecil hingga sgt lebar, sgt
bulat dengan pinggiran melipat ke atas. dalam. Aperture berbentuk elongate/ meleng
kung rendah, interiomarginal umbilical
dibatasi oleh lengkungan.

Globigerina praebulloides
Ciri khas : kamar menggembung, suture pd
bagian spiral radial hingga sangat meleng-
kung, tertekan, pd bagian umbilical radial,
tertekan, umbilicusnya dalam.
2.2 Famili Globorotaliidae
Bentuk test biconvex, bentuk kamar subglobular/angular conical trochospiral. Aperture
memanjang dari umbilicus ke pinggir test dan terletak pada dasar apertural face. Pada
pinggir test ada yang mempunyai keel dan ada pula yang tidak.

Genus Globorotalia
Berdasarkan ada tidaknya keel, dibagi 2 subgenus, yaitu :
Globorotalia (Globorotalia) –berkeel dan Globorotalia (Turborotalia) non keel.
Untuk membedakan subgenus ini maka dlm penulisan (diberi kode (G) dan (T)
Contoh : Globorotalia (G)

Globorotalia tumida
Test trochospiral rendah-sedang, sisi spiral lebih
convex dp sisi umbilical, permukaannya licin
kecuali pd kamar dr putaran akhir dan umbilical
pada kamar akhir yang pustulose. Suture disisi
spiral pada mulanya melengkung halus Ialu
melengkung tajam mendekati akhir hampir lurus
hingga radial, pd distal kembali melengkung
hampir tangensial ke peri-peri.
Globorotalia plesiotumida
Test trochospiral sangat rendah, biconvex,
tertekan, peri-peri equatorial globulate, keel tipis.
Suture pd bagian spiral melengkung, 1 pd bag
terakhir subradial, pd sisi distalnya melengkung
sangat kuat. Umbilical sempit, tertutup dlm
aperture interiomarginal umbilical extra umbilical
melengkung lemah di batasi oleh lip yang tipis.

Subgenus Turborotalia
Tidak ada keel, Contoh : Globorotalia (T)
Globorotalia siakensis
Test trochospiral lemah, peri-peri equatorial
lobulate, kamar tidak rata, subglobular, kamar ke
5-6 terakhir membesar tidak teratur. Pd kedua sisi
suturenya radial, tertekan, umbilical agak lebar
sampai agak sempit, dalam. Aperture
interiomarginal umbilical extra umbilical, agak
rendah, terbuka, melengkung, dibatasi oleh bibir
atau rim.
Famili Hantkeninidae

Tdpt 2 umbilicus yg masing2 terletak pd salah satu sisi test yg

berseberangan, planispiral involute, bbrp punya spine panjang.

Bentuk test biumbilicate, bentuk kamar
tabular spinate, planispiral involute, tiap
kamar terdapat spine-spine yg panjang.
Contoh : Hantkenina alabamensis

Ciri = Hantkenina tetapi kamar akhir
sangat gemuk, mempunyai “Cribate"
pd apertural face.
Contoh : Cribrohantkenina bermudez
Famili Hantkeninidae

Tdpt 2 umbilicus yg masing2 terletak pd salah satu sisi test yg berseberangan,

planispiral involute, bbrp punya spine panjang.

Genus Hastigerina
Bentuk test biumbilicate,
susunan kamar planispiral involute
atau “loosely coiled".
Mempunyai aperture equatorial yang
terletak pada apertural face.
Contoh : Hastigerina aequilateralis
• Do NOT make your drawings of fossils too tiny. Make them large enough to be
able to indicate small features and to label them.

• Does your drawing of Globorotalia look like this?

Sphaeroidinella subdehiscens
Sphaeroidinella subdehiscens
Globorotalia fohsi
1.Open end of tube
2.Terminal radiate
3.Terminal slit
5.Loop shaped
7.Interiomarginal multiple
8.Areal crbrate
9.Phialine lip
10.Bifid tooth
11.Umbilical teeth
12.Umbilical bulla

Hiasan pada apertur

aca: accessory aperture; bu: bulla; ch: ordinary
spiral chamber.
Calcareous Planktonic tests
1- Gansserina sp 2- Globigerina sp 3-
Globotruncana sp

4- Globotruncanita sp 5- Morozovella sp
6- Rosita sp

7- Subbotinae sp
Gansserina sp.
• Description : test very low trochospiral with nearly flat spiral side
and convex umbilical side; umbilical system composed of Portici
bordering the successive aperture and sometimes composed of
tegilla towards the end of the whorl; primary aperture umbilical,
champers with one or two moderately developed keels, the keel on
the umbilical side generally less developed.
chambers surface pustulose on the umbilical side, slightly pustulose
on spiral side. Sutures depressed radiate on the umbilical side, curved
and somewhat raised on the spiral side, slightly lobulated periphery.
Globigerina sp.
• Description : test free, trochospiral, chambers spherical to ovate,
wall calcareous, perforated, surface may be smooth, pitted or
cancellate, aperture interiomarginal or umbilical, with tendency in
some species to extend slightly extraumbilical position.
Globotruncana sp.
• Description : test trochospiral with variable convexity, primary
aperture umbilical. Umbilical system composed of tegilla bordering
the successive aperture. Chambers characterized by two keels
separated by an imperforate band. The umbilical keel is less
developed and may be absent on the last chambers. Surface of
chambers is generally smooth. Sutures on the umbilical side rather
curved and raised or radial and depressed while sutures on the
spiral side curved and raised. Adumbilical ridges(‫ )حواف‬generally
well developed on all chambers. Periphery is subcricular to strongly
Globotruncanita sp.
• Description : test trochospiral, variably convex, primary aperture
umbilical, tending to be extraumbilical when the umbilicus is
narrow, umbilical system is composed of Portici bordering the
successive primary apertures, chambers usually provided with a
single keel, chamber surface smooth in most species, sutures curved
or straight and oblique, either depressed or raised. On spiral side,
sutures curved or straight, oblique or radial but always raised.
Adumbilical ridges generally well developed. Outline of the test is
circular, polygonal or slightly too strongly lobulated with
occasionally radial tubulospines. Globotruncanita is characterized
by the combination of an umbilical primary aperture and the
presence of Portici.
Morozovella sp.
• Description : test planispiral, trochospirally enrolled with flattened
spiral side and strongly convex umbilical side; chambers conical in
form, enlarging rapidly as added, umbilical shoulders low to high
and angular, umbilicus well defined, periphery angular to craniate,
wall calcareous, perforate surface smooth to pustulose, umbilical
shoulders may be pustulose or distinctly hispid, peripheral keel
imperforated and pustulose, aperture a low interiomarginal
umbilical-extraumbilical arch with well developed lip.
Rosita sp.
• Description : test trochospiral, with spiral side virtually always high
or very high, primary aperture umbilical, umbilicus system has
Portici covering the successive apertures and obliquely protruding
into the umbilicus. Chambers is provided with two keels separated
by narrow imperforated band (sometimes only one keel present on
the last few chambers). Sutures on the umbilical side usually curved
and raised sometimes radial and depressed. Either raised or
depressed on the spiral side. Adumbilical ridges always present but
somewhat poorly developed, outline subcricular to lobulated
becoming strongly lobulated.
• Family Candeinidae Cushman
• Family Globigerinatellidae new family
• Family Globigerinitidae Loeblich and Tappan, 1984
• Family Tenuitellidae new family
• Superfamily GLOBIGERINOIDEA Carpenter, Parker and Jones, 1862
• Family Globigerinidae Carpenter, Parker and Jones, 1862
• Family Globigerinellidae new family
• Family Globorotaliidae Cushman, 1927
• Family Hastigerinidae Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan, 1957
• Family Neoacarininidae new family
• Family Orbulinidae Schultze, 1854
• Family Sphaeroidinellidae Banner and Blow, 1959
• Family Pulleniatinidae Cushman, 1927
• Family Turborotalitidae Hofker, 1976


Berdasarkan jumlah kamar, foraminifera : 2
1. Monothalamus test
Cangkang foram yg td.1 kamar (unilocular), biasanya bentuk tes sederhana.
1. Polythalamus test
Cangkang lebih dari 1 kamar (multilocular), bentuknya sangat kompleks.
Test Monothalamus, bentuknya :

1. Bulat /spheric /globular [Saccammina, Pilulina, Psammosphaera]

2. Botol / flask shaped [Lagena]
3. Tabung / tubular [Bathysiphon, Hyperammina, Hyperamminoides]
4. Kombinasi botol-tabung [Entosolenia]
5. Terputar dlm 1 bidang (planispiral) [Cornuspira, Ammodiscus]
6. Planispiral pd awalnya, kemudian terputar tdk teratur [Psammaphis,
7. Planispiral kemudian lurus [Rectocornuspira]
Bentuk Cangkang Foram Bentonik
Bentuk – bentuk dasar cangkang foraminifera ( Moore R.C., et al, 1952).
Cangkang monothalamus ( Moore R.C., et al,
Test Polythalamus, bentuknya :

1. Uniformed: dalam 1 bentuk test didptkan 1 macam susunan kamar.

• Uniserial : dlm 1 macam susunan kamar td.1 baris kamar.
• Biserial : dlm 1 macam susunan kamar td. baris kamar.
• Triserial : dlm 1 macam susunan kamar td. 3 baris kamar.

2. Biformed: dalam 1 bentuk test didptkan 2 macam susunan kamar.

Misal : pada awalnya mempunyai kamar triserial, kemudian biserial.
Contoh : Heterostomella, Cribrostomum.

3. Triformed: dalam 1 bentuk test didptkan 3 macam susunan kamar.

Misalnya, awalnya biserial, kemudian terputar dn akhirnya uniserial.
Contoh : Vulvulina, Semitextularia.

4. Multiformed: dalam 1 bentuk test didptkan >3 macam susunan kamar.

(tipe ini jarang dijumpai)
Skema bentuk cangkang foraminifera polythalamus ( Jones, 1956)
Foraminifera bercangkang monothalamus ( 1-5) Foraminifera bercangkang
dan polythalamus (6-7 monothalamus (5,6,10) dan Polythalamus
Cangkang monothalamus (11) dan
bercangkang polythalamus ( Moore R.C., et al, 1952)
Genus foraminifera bercangkang polythalamus
Genus foraminifera bercangkang polythalamus ( Moore R.C., et al, 1952)
Genus foraminifera bercangkang polythalamus ( Moore R.C., et al, 1952)
Uniformed (Uniserial ) :

1. Linear : a. Curvilinear [Dentalina]

b. Rectilinear dg leher [Nodogerina,Nodosaria]
2. Equitant : kamar tersusun saling menutupi sbgian / overlap, [Glandulina,
3. Terputar (Coiled Test)

 Planispiral coiled test : terputar dlm 1 bdg (bisa involut/evolut),( Elphidium,

 Nautiloid : kamar terputar dan saling menyelubungi umbilicus,[Nonion,Pulleniatina]
 Rotaloid : susunan kamar dgn kenampakan berbeda, dibag.dorsalnya evolut &
ventralnya involut, [Globorotalia]
 Involute : kamar akhir menutupi sbg kamar sebelumnya, shg kamar terakhir saja yg
nampak, [Lenticulina, Elphidiumn, Robulus].
 Evolute : putaran kamar seluruhnya terlihat, [Operculina].
 Helicoid : putarannya khas, dimana tinggi lingkaran menjadi besar, [Globigerina].

Bundar Cribate Phyaline Crescentric Slit Like Multiple

Bentuk apertur :

1. Bulat/sirkular: Lagena
2. Memancar
3. Phyaline
4. Celah / Slitlike
5. Bulan sabit / crescentic
6. Koma / virguline
7. Ectosolenian
8. Entosolenian :
- Cribrate
- Dendritik
- Bergigi
(mono/bifid tooth)

Jenis apertur pada Ordo foraminifera


Hiasan pd permukaan

Punctate Smooth Reticulate Pustulose Cancellate Axial Costae Spiral

Hiasan pd apertur

Flape Tooth Lip/Rim Bulla Tegilla

a: aperture; bl: basal layer; f: foramen; mt: miliolid tooth; pp:
parapores; pr: proloculus; s: septum; sut: (chamber) suture;
tph: trematophore.
Agglutinated Benthonic
1- Ammodiscus sp. 2-
Clavulinoides sp.

3- Dorothia sp. 4-
Gaudryina sp.
Ammodiscus sp.
 Composition of wall : agglutinated
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : unilocular - tubular
 Arrangement of chambers: --------------
 Mode of Coiling : planispiral - involute
 Aperture :
Shape : rounded
 Position : at the end of the tube
 Suture Character :
Nature : flush
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : equatorial (non - lobulated)
 Umbilical Character : --------------------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Ammodiscus
Clavulinoides sp.
 Composition of wall : agglutinated
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - cylindrical
 Arrangement of chambers: mixed arrangement – (triserial – uniserial)
 Mode of Coiling : ------------
 Aperture :
Shape : rounded
 Position : terminal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : straight
 Peripheral Character : -----------
 Umbilical Character : -----------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Clavulinoides
Dorothia sp.
 Composition of wall : agglutinated
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - triangular
 Arrangement of chambers: mixed arrangement – (triserial-biserial)
 Mode of Coiling : -----------
 Aperture :
Shape : slit
 Position : interiomarginal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : ----------
 Umbilical Character : ----------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Dorothia
Gaudryina sp.
 Composition of wall : agglutinated
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - triangular
 Arrangement of chambers: mixed arrangement – (triserial-biserial)
 Mode of Coiling : -----------
 Aperture :
Shape : curved
 Position : interiomarginal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : ------------
 Umbilical Character : ------------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Gaudryina
Calcareous Benthonic
1- Anomalinoides sp 2- Chilostomella sp 3- Chilostomelloides sp

4- Dentalina sp 5- Lagena sp 6- Lenticulina sp

7- Neoflabellina sp 8- Nodosaria sp 9 -Quadrimorphina sp

10- Ramulina sp 11-Marginulinopsis sp

Anomalinoides sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - lenticular
 Arrangement of chambers: --------------
 Mode of Coiling : planispiral - evolute
 Aperture :
Shape : slit
 Position : interiomarginal - equatorial
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : rounded - lobulated
 Umbilical Character : -----------
 Surface Ornamentation : pitted
 Genus (Name) : Anomalinoides
Chilostomella sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular – ovate
 Arrangement of chambers: -------------
 Mode of Coiling : planispiral - involute
 Aperture :
Shape : slit
 Position : interiomarginal - equatorial
 Suture Character :
Nature : flush
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : -------------
 Umbilical Character : -------------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Chilostomella
Chilostomelloides sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - ovate
 Arrangement of chambers: -----------
 Mode of Coiling : -----------
 Aperture :
Shape : circular
 Position : equatorial
 Suture Character :
Nature : --------
 Shape : ---------
 Peripheral Character : ------------
 Umbilical Character : ------------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Chilostomelloides
Dentalina sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - cylindrical
 Arrangement of chambers: simple arrangement (uniserial)
 Mode of Coiling : ----------
 Aperture :
Shape : rounded
 Position : terminal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : -----------
 Umbilical Character : -----------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Dentalina
Lagena sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : unilocular - globular
 Arrangement of chambers: -------------
 Mode of Coiling : -----------
 Aperture :
Shape : phialine
 Position : terminal
 Suture Character :
Nature : --------
 Shape : -------
 Peripheral Character : ---------
 Umbilical Character : ---------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Lagena
Lenticulina sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - lenticular
 Arrangement of chambers: simple arrangement (coiled)
 Mode of Coiling : planispiral – involute
 Aperture :
Shape : radiate
 Position : peripheral
 Suture Character :
Nature : flush
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : keeled - (non – lobulated)
 Umbilical Character : biumbonate
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth (nodose)
 Genus (Name) : Lenticulina
Neoflabellina sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular – (inverted V-shaped)
 Arrangement of chambers: simple arrangement (uniserial)
 Mode of Coiling : ---------
 Aperture :
Shape : radiate (rounded)
 Position : terminal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : ---------
 Umbilical Character : ---------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth (rips – reticulate)
 Genus (Name) : Neoflabellina
Nodosaria sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - cylindrical
 Arrangement of chambers: simple arrangement (uniserial)
 Mode of Coiling : ----------
 Aperture :
Shape : radiate
 Position : terminal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : straight
 Peripheral Character : ----------
 Umbilical Character : ----------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Nodosaria
Quadrimophina sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular – (concavo-convex)
 Arrangement of chambers: mixed arrangement - coiled
 Mode of Coiling : trochospiral
 Aperture :
Shape : rounded
 Position : interiomarginal
 Suture Character :
Nature : depressed
 Shape : curved
 Peripheral Character : rounded - lobulated
 Umbilical Character : monoumbilicate
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Quadrimophina
Ramulina sp.
 Composition of wall : calcareous hyaline
 Number of chamber & Shape of test : multilocular - branched
 Arrangement of chambers: --------
 Mode of Coiling : ---------
 Aperture :
Shape : rounded
 Position : at the end of stolon
 Suture Character :
Nature : --------
 Shape : ---------
 Peripheral Character : --------
 Umbilical Character : --------
 Surface Ornamentation : smooth
 Genus (Name) : Ramulina

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