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Open House

Welcome !!!
We are so glad
you are here ☺
Welcome to Kindergarten
How to contact your teacher:

Brassfield’s Phone Number - 919-870-4080

e-mail address -

blog -

Using Brassfield’s Website:
Quarter 1 Standards
⦿ Math
⦿ *Describe measurable attributes ⦿ Reading
of objects ⦿ *Identify 10 sight words
⦿ *Compare measurable attributes ⦿ *Reading on a level 2 (simple
of objects patterned text with picture clues
⦿ *Sort objects by a given attribute and some sight words)
⦿ *Count to 20 ⦿ *Recognize many letter names
⦿ *Write numbers 0-20
and sounds
⦿ *One to one correspondence to
⦿ *Recognize and produce rhyming
10 words
⦿ *More, less, and equal to
⦿ *Counting up to 20 starting at any
given number ⦿ Quarter 1 Writing
⦿ *Writes by sounding out words
Social/Personal Development Skills ⦿ *Matching pictures and words
⦿ *Completes task with ⦿ *Attempts one simple sentence
independence ⦿ *Write first name with a capital to
⦿ *Regularly follows adult start and lower case letters
instructions following
⦿ *Keeps from touching others
Reading to Your Child
1. New Book- Look at the cover. Predict what the book will be
about. Read the title. Point to the beginning of each word.
Go through the book and allow your child to talk about each
This is called a Picture Walk.

2. Parent reads- as you read the book to your child stop and
discuss the book with your child.

3.Child Retells-After reading the story say, Tell me about the

beginning, middle and end of the book.” Use the five
finger retell to aide your child in the untold parts.

4. Writing Options…
Five Finger Retell
1. Who were the characters?
2. Where was the setting?
3. What was the problem?
4. What was the solution?
5. Tell me about the beginning, middle
and end.
6. Making Connections- What does this
story make you think about?
Print Concepts
1. Name the front of the book.
2. Name the back of the book.
3. Name the title.
4. Point to the words as you read.
5. First and last word on the page.
6. First and last letter in a word.
7. Identify capital and lower case letters.
8. Identify periods and question marks.
9. Show one letter/two letters.
10. Show one word/two words.
Review Print Concepts twice a week.

1. Reading Logs
2. Sight Word Work
3. Math Packet

Additional work may be assigned if your

child needs more practice with a task or
Quality Work Sample

This year Brassfield is participating in the

Positivity Project. Students can earn
individual BEAR tickets for modeling good

Each Kindergarten classroom uses a

rainbow behavior chart. Check and sign
your child’s daily folder nightly.
Volunteering in the

All volunteers must complete an application for a

background check. Even if you have already been
approved last year, you will need to be reapply for
clearance. You can fill out the application in the
media center. Once you are cleared to volunteer
you will receive notification from the office.

All volunteers must sign-in at the office before

volunteering in the classrooms.
Thank you,

We are
looking forward to
a great year☺

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