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Conflict Management

Case Study in Daily Life

Conflict Management

▪ 副標題
Story telling
▪ 泰國新住民在台灣20年,離婚有二子,目前單身。工作14年又被資遣。現找到一份工作,但須

▪ Mary is a Thai new resident in Taiwan for 20 years, divorced having two children with her
ex-husband. Now she is single, working for a company for 14 years, due to the company
downsizing, her job dispatched. Now finding a new job to be a Thai language translator at
Taiwan’s airport.

▪ Now she is very nervous about the computer writing software. She needs to type some
information related to passenger name list.

▪ The most anxious and nervous is office software, so she spent a lot of money on the
computer Cram School.

▪ How to resolve her conflicts?

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