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Microsoft Visio
Sebuah program aplikasi dirilis Microsoft Corporation
yang digunakan untuk membuat diagram alir
(flowchart), brainstorm dan skema jaringan.

Mengunakan grafik vektor untuk membuat diagram-


Flow Sheet
 A plant design is made up of words, numbers, and pictures.
• An engineer thinks naturally in terms of the sketches and
drawings which are his "pictures. "
• To solve a material balance problem, start with a block to
represent the equipment and then showing entering and
leaving streams with their amounts and properties.
• To describe a process and begin to sketch the equipment,
show how it is interconnected, and what the flows and
operating conditions are.
 Flowsheets are necessary for clarity and to meet the needs of
the various persons engaged in design, cost estimating,
purchasing, fabrication, operation, maintenance, and
Flow Diagram
Blok Flow  Material Balance
Diagram (BFD)  Major flow & equipmnet.

 Material & energy balance

Process Flow
 Numerical data (T, P, C, Q)
Diagram (PFD)
 Major instrumentation.

 Don’t show operating conditions (P, T, C, Q)

Piping &  Major & minor equipment more realistically than PFD
Instrument  Sizes & specification of pipe lines, valves & instruments
Diagram (P& ID)

 P&ID for individual utilities (steam, steam condensate,

Utility Flowsheet
cooling water, heat transfer media in general)
Control Instrument
1. Pressure Indicator (PC) : Alat pengendali
2. Level Controller (LC) : Alat pengendali tinggi
permukaan cairan
3. Flow controller (FC) : Alat pengendali laju alir
4. Temperature (TC) : Alat pengendali
5. pH controller (pHC) : Alat pengendali massa
Design Element
Flowsheet Equipment Symbol
Fluid Handling Heat Handling
Flowsheet Equipment Symbol
Mass Transfer Vessel
Flowsheet Equipment Symbol
Conveyor Vessel
Flowsheet Equipment Symbol
Flowsheet Flags of Operating condition in typical unit
Letter designation of equipmnet
BFD, PFD or P&ID ?
BFD, PFD or P&ID ?
BFD, PFD or P&ID ?
Blok Flow Diagram

Gambar 1. Blok diagram produksi High Fructose syrup dari biji jagung secara hidrolisis
Process Flow Diagram

Gambar 2. Diagram proses produksi High Fructose syrup dari biji jagung secara hidrolisis
Pipping & Instrument Diagram

Gambar 3. Skema Pengendalian proses produksi High Fructose syrup dari biji jagung secara hidrolisis
Ice cream Manufactur
Procedure of process:
• Blending of the mix ingredients
• Pasteurization
• Homogenization
• Aging the mix
• Freezing
• Packaging
• Hardening

Figure 1. Block diagram of ice cream production


Figure 1. Plan of ice cream manufacture

• The milk fat source, nonfat solids, stabilizers and
emulsifiers are blended to ensure complete
mixing of liquid and dry ingredients
Pasteurization of Mix
• Pasteurization is the biological control point in the system,
designed for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. In addition
to this very important function, pasteurization also reduces the
number of spoilage organisms such as psychrotrophs, and helps
to hydrate some of the components (proteins, stabilizers).
• Pasteurization (Ontario regulations): 69° C/30 min. 80° C/25s
Homogenization of Mix
Homogenization provides the following functions in ice cream
• Reduces size of fat globules
• Increases surface area
• Forms membrane
• makes possible the use of butter, frozen cream, etc.
By helping to form the fat structure, it also has the following indirect
• makes a smoother ice cream
• gives a greater apparent richness and palatability
• better air stability
• increases resistance to melting
Ageing of Mix
• Aging is performed in insulated or refrigerated storage tanks, silos, etc.
Mix temperature should be maintained as low as possible without
freezing, at or below 5 C. An aging time of overnight is likely to give
best results under average plant conditions. A "green" or unaged mix is
usually quickly detected at the freezer.
• Ice cream mix is aged at 40°F (5°C) for at least 4 hours or overnight.
Aging the mix cools it down before freezing, allows the milk fat to
partially crystallize and the gives the proteins stabilizers time to hydrate.
This improves the whipping properties of the mix.
Freezing/Whipping of Ice Cream
• the mix is drawn into a flavour tank where any liquid flavours,
fruit purees, or colours are added. The mix then enters
the dynamic freezing process which both freezes a portion
of the water and whips air into the frozen mix. The "barrel"
freezer is a scraped-surface, tubular heat exchanger, which is
jacketed with a boiling refrigerant such as ammonia or freon.
Mix is pumped through this freezer and is drawn off the other
end in a matter of 30 seconds, (or 10 to 15 minutes in the case
of batch freezers) with about 50% of its water frozen. There
are rotating blades inside the barrel that keep the ice scraped
off the surface of the freezer and also dashers inside the
machine which help to whip the mix and incorporate air.
• Hardening enables fast freezing, which achieves the desired ice cream
texture by limiting the growth of ice crystals and air bubbles.
• The ice cream is cooled as quickly as possible down to a holding
temperature of less than -13°F(-25°C). The temperatures and times of
cooling will depend on the type of storage freezer. Rapid cooling will
promote quick freezing of water and create small ice crystals. Storage at
-13°F(-25°C) will help to stabilize the ice crystals and maintain product
quality. At this temperature there is still a small portion of liquid water.
If all the water present in the ice cream were frozen, the ice cream would
be as hard as an ice cube
Proses Flow Diagram Pembuatan Ice Cream
Aturan Dasar Pembuatan Flowsheet

1. Desain flowsheet hendaknya secara urut dari kiri ke kanan (lihat bagian: penempatan
flowshee). Semua bahan baku ada di bagian kiri dan produk akhir ada di sebelah kanan.
2. Dalam flowsheet dasar, aliran2 yg diberi nomor hanya aliran pada proses utama saja
sedangkan aliran2 utilitas (seperti steam dan air pendingin tidak usah diberi nomor). Itu
nanti pd bagian bab ttg diagram utilitas.
3. Di setiap aliran yg penting selain nomor aliran juga dicantumkan tekanan dan
temperatur operasi. Contoh aliran penting à aliran umpan utama, aliran masuk HE,
aliran keluar HE, aliran masuk pompa, aliran keluar pompa, aliran2 produk, aliran masuk
reaktor, aliran keluar reaktor, dll. Lihat contoh penggambarannya.
4. Flowsheet dasar, jadi tidak usah pakai valve2 dlu. Itu nanti di bagian P & ID (Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram)
5. Pompa hanya utk mengalirkan cairan (bukan fasa gas). Apa bener hrs ditempatkan
pompa pd aliran2 steam?? Sejak kapan aliran steam pakai pompa??
6. Coba baca2 buku Wallas, chemical process equipment. Dan lihat contoh2 flowsheet
dasar yg ditampilkan pada buku itu.
Daftar Pustaka
• Bhattacharyya D. Diagrams for Uncerstanding Chemical Process., 3 Jul 2012.
• Esti & Rinjani. 2011. Perancangan Pabrik High Fructose Corn Syrup
secara Enzimatis. Teknik Kimia, ITENAS : Bandung.
•, Chemical and Process Engineering,
• Walas, Stanley M. 1988. Chemical Process Equipment. Boston London
Singapore Sydney Toronto Wellington: Butterworths Series in Chemical

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