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And phonetic concepts

 Research on vices in english and chilean language

 Cultural Misunderstanding
 Mispronunciation problema
Words to learn

Cultural Misunderstanding

They are words that

are used daily in
chile but have no
meaning in the
Now we will see
typical situations in
Chile when a gringo
hear words you do
not understand
Chilean Disco

 Two men on the disco bar, when two women approach:

 Chilean: Look back / l ʊk bæk /

 Gringo: What? / w ɒt? /

 Chilean: Look back, turn around / l ʊk bæk, t ɜːn əˈra ʊnd /

 Gringo: Aaaa…okay / ˈəʊˈke ɪ /

 Chilean: There are two women and one is watching you / ðe ər ɑː tu ː ˈw ɪm ɪn ænd w ʌn ɪz ˈw ɒʧɪŋ ju ː /

 Gringo: Oh my God, what do I do? / əʊ ma ɪ g ɒd, w ɒt duː a ɪ duː? /

 Chilean: ATINA pos Gringo!!

Chilean Disco


Whats is ATINA in English?

A.Speak something
B.To see something
C.Dare do something
D.Say “Hello” to something
Chilean Disco

 Two men on the disco bar, when two women approach:

 Chilean: Look back

 Gringo: What?

 Chilean: Look back, turn around

 Gringo: Aaaa…okay

 Chilean: There are two women and one is watching you

 Gringo: Oh my God, what do I do?

 Chilean: ATINA pos Gringo!!

 Gringo: What? Tub, bath, What does it mean? / wɒt? tʌb, bɑːθ, wɒt dʌz ɪt miːn? /

 Chilean: ja,ja,ja Talk to him, introduce you and then dancing / tɔːk tuː hɪm, ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs juː ænd ðɛn ˈdɑːnsɪŋ /

 Gringo: Oh okey I go!!!.... / əʊ ˈəʊki a ɪ g əʊ /

Chilean Party

 At a party is a Gringo with a group of chileans when one of these answers the phone and tell him bad news.

Gringo does not understand and asks:

 Gringo: What Happened? Why you are crying? / w ɒt ˈhæp ənd? wa ɪ ju ː ɑː ˈkra ɪɪŋ? /

 Chilean: Because they gave a news / b ɪˈk ɒz ðe ɪ ge ɪv ə nju ːz /

 Gringo: Bad news? / bæd nju ːz? /

 Chilean: Yes, “A LA VENA”

Chilean Disco


Whats is “A LA VENA” in English?

A.Good News
B.Bad News
C.Funny News
D.Strong News
Chilean Party

 At a party is a Gringo with a group of chileans when one of these answers the phone and tell him bad news.

Gringo does not understand and asks:

 Gringo: What Happened? Why you are crying? / w ɒt ˈhæp ənd? wa ɪ ju ː ɑː ˈkra ɪɪŋ? /

 Chilean: Because they gave a news / b ɪˈk ɒz ðe ɪ ge ɪv ə nju ːz /

 Gringo: Bad news? / bæd nju ːz? /

 Chilean: Yes, “A LA VENA”

 Gringo: What? The vena? What does it mean? / w ɒt? ð ə ˈvi ːn ə? w ɒt d ʌz ɪt mi ːn? /

 Chilean: News very strong,very direct / nju ːz ˈv ɛri str ɒŋ, ˈv ɛri dɪˈr ɛkt /

 Gringo: Oh… Okey bad… / əʊ…  ˈəʊki bæd… /

Chilean Street


 A gringo walks with her Chilean friend when they start to talk:
 Chile: Gringo go out with a woman, Did you eat one? Hahaha / ˈgr ɪŋg əʊ g əʊ a ʊt
w ɪð ə ˈw ʊm ən, d ɪd ju ː i ːt w ʌn? /
 Gringo: hahaha, of course but went with another / ɒv k ɔːs b ʌt w ɛnt w ɪð əˈn ʌð ə /
 Chile: shuuuuuuuu ... Te pusieron el gorro "I put the hat“ / a ɪ p ʊt ð ə hæt /
Chilean Street




C.Play with someone
D.Nothing special
Chilean Street


 A gringo walks with her Chilean friend when they start to talk:

 Chile: Gringo go out with a woman, Did you eat one? Hahaha / ˈgr ɪŋg əʊ g əʊ a ʊt w ɪð ə ˈw ʊm ən, d ɪd ju ː i ːt w ʌn? /

 Gringo: hahaha, of course but went with another / ɒv k ɔːs b ʌt w ɛnt w ɪð əˈn ʌð ə /

 Chile: shuuuuuuuu ... Te pusieron el gorro "I put the hat“ / a ɪ p ʊt ð ə hæt /

 Gringo: What? What does that mean? / w ɒt? w ɒt d ʌz ðæt mi ːn? /

 Chile: That you was unfaithful and clothes together, Infidelity /ðæt ju ː w ɒz ʌn ˈfe ɪθf ʊl ænd kl əʊðz t əˈg ɛð ə,  ˌɪnf ɪ
ˈd ɛl ɪti /

 Gringo: if if that same / ɪf ɪf ðæt se ɪm /

Chilean Party

“Hacer la vaca”
 At a party in a house exchange a Chilean says:
 Chile: You guys are over beers, so you have to "do Cow” / ju ː ga ɪz ɑːr ˈəʊv ə
b ɪəz, s əʊ ju ː hæv tu ː "du ː ka ʊ” /
 Colombiano: Who the board? / hu ː ð ə b ɔːd? /
 All: The new gringo / ð ə nju ː ˈgr ɪŋg əʊ /
Chilean Party


Whats is “HACER LA VACA” in English?

A.Imitate a cow
B.Playing a cow
C.Talk like a cow
D.Save money
Chilean Party

“Hacer la vaca”
 At a party in a house exchange a Chilean says:

 Chile: You guys are over beers, so you have to "do Cow”

 Colombiano: Who the board?

 All: The new gringo

 Gringo: cow do? What is it? (Imitates a cow and everyone laughs) / ka ʊ du ː? w ɒt ɪz ɪt? ( ˈɪm ɪte ɪts ə ka ʊ ænd
ˈɛvr ɪw ʌn l ɑːfs) /

 Chile: No Gringo Collect money all you're going to give / n əʊ ˈgr ɪŋg əʊ k əˈl ɛkt ˈm ʌni ɔːl j ʊə ˈg əʊɪŋ tu ː g ɪv/

 Gringo: Okey !! / ˈəʊki !! /

Chilean Party

 Some friends are going to buy beer and one of them does not give money to buy it
and says he will not drink.
At the party which said it would not take he says:
 Chile: Guys just beer / ga ɪz ʤʌst b ɪə /
 All: but you said it would not take and do you take all "Barza“ / b ʌt ju ː s ɛd ɪt
w ʊd n ɒt te ɪk ænd du ː ju ː te ɪk ɔːl /
 Chile: mmmm ... if it is true I / ɪf ɪt ɪz tru ː a ɪ /
Chilean Party


Whats is “BARZA” in English?

Chilean Party

 Some friends are going to buy beer and one of them does not give money to buy it and says he will not drink.
At the party which said it would not take he says:

 Chile: Guys just beer / ga ɪz ʤʌst b ɪə /

 All: but you said it would not take and do you take all "Barza“ / b ʌt ju ː s ɛd ɪt w ʊd n ɒt te ɪk ænd du ː ju ː te ɪk ɔːl /

 Chile: mmmm ... if it is true I / ɪf ɪt ɪz tru ː a ɪ /

 Gringo: What? what do they say? "Barza" football team? / w ɒt? w ɒt du ː ðe ɪ se ɪ? "Barza"  ˈf ʊtb ɔːl ti ːm? /

 Chile: hahaha, not because he did not give money to buy beer and wants more / n ɒt b ɪˈk ɒz hi ː d ɪd n ɒt g ɪv
ˈm ʌni tu ː ba ɪ b ɪər ænd w ɒnts m ɔː /

 Gringo: aaaaa okey / ˈəʊki /

Chilean Street

 A grandmother crossing a street and falls for a man beside her, she laughs and no
two people a Chilean and a gringo approach:
 Chile: Is it okay? / ɪz ɪt ˈəʊˈke ɪ? /
 Grandma: Yeah ... yeah ... / je ə ... je ə ... /
 Chile: The man laughed and do not help (Scream) Vali Callampa! /ð ə mæn l ɑːft
ænd du ː n ɒt h ɛlp (skri ːm)/
Chilean Street


Whats is “VALI CALLAMPA” in English?


Chilean Street

 A grandmother crossing a street and falls for a man beside her, she laughs and no help.
two people a Chilean and a gringo approach:
 Chile: Is it okay? / ɪz ɪt ˈəʊˈke ɪ? /
 Grandma: Yeah ... yeah ... / je ə ... je ə ... /
 Chile: The man laughed and do not help (Scream) Vali Callampa! /ð ə mæn l ɑːft ænd du ː n ɒt
h ɛlp (skri ːm)/
 Gringo: What did you say? fungus? / w ɒt d ɪd ju ː se ɪ?  ˈf ʌŋg əs? /
 Chile: That has no value / ðæt hæz n əʊ ˈvælju ː /
 Gringo: Okey / ˈəʊki /

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