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University of Minho HÉLDER S. SOUSA *

School of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department Supervisors: Paulo B. Lourenço, Jorge M. Branco

Introduction Non-destructive tests are often used in historical monuments for:


Nowadays, society seeks and demands for a higher level of life -assessment of the existing material and mechanical properties; i
- evaluation of the level of deterioration; i : decay model with no
quality in a broad range of aspects. Safety is one of those aspects. iii
upgrading data;
The objective of the research of this PhD is to find methodologies for which can be used in: iv ii : 1st upgraded model
safety assessment of existing timber structures, with special attention -information and data for updating stochastic models; before a critic event;
to stochastic analysis allied to non-destructive methods (NDT). -better informed decisions of maintenance or strengthening actions iii : 1st upgraded model
regarding the life-cycle reliability of the existing structure. after the event;
Field of research and motivation iv : 2nd upgraded model
The work so far
The field of interest in timber research may be found in:
Decay models with data updating (Sousa et al, 2010)
 Bayesian methods have been applied to update information into
resistance timber models;

Inspection and safety Probabilistic modeling

evaluation of existing
timber structures Uncertainty Temperature
Limit state equation Consequence
modeling Relative air humidity
Dew point

Lourenço, et al. (2005) Monitoring of environmental conditions

Data updating techniques Further work
Chimico Laboratory
•probabilistic modeling of timber structures  hierarchic model;
•experimental analysis to both new and old timber elements with use of
visual inspection, NDT, sample testing and destructive tests.
Structural rehabilitation “design”
and maintenance Goals and conclusions
solutions •obtaining of a methodology to suitably perform a probabilistic model of
Introduce new
existing timber structures and its safety evaluation;
•better tools for maintenance planning, so as to preserve the historic
Lourenço, et al. (2007) and cultural identity of a given society inserted in a given city
Change of
structure’s use concept.
Santa Cruz’s Monastery
 to Φ υ ν δ α  ο δ ε Χι  ν χ ι α ε
Τ ε χ ν ο λ ο γ ι α for grant SFRH/BD/62326/2009
 a time
Bayesian depending
probabilistic robustness
modeling indexadapted
for structures, was from
proposed with )
JCSS (2001
Monitoring existing consideration to long term decay phenomenon;
structures and its References
surrounding environment  correlations between destructive tests and NDT used as updating JCSS (2001). Probabilistic Assessment of Existing Structures, edition
data with uncertainty modeled by a Maximum Likelihood method; by D. Diamantidis, RILEM Publications
Lourenço, P.B., Feio, A.O., and Brites, R.D. (2007). Cobertura da sala
 comparison of NDT updated models with decay reference models; do relicário no Mosteiro de Santa Cruz, Construção Magazine,
Guimarães’ Swimming Pool Complex •implementation of a monitoring scheme, in different buildings, of the Lourenço, P. B., Valle, A. and Brites, R.D. (2005) - Levantamento do
The preservation of historical monuments is also considered as a environmental parameters and its influence in timber elements; estado de degradação das Asnas da Cobertura do Laboratório
form of maintaining the identity of a specific place, culture or
population and therefore, presents a way to achieve a better life •measurement of temperature and relative air humidity with use of Chimico – A1, Coimbra. DEC/E-15 UM, Portugal.
quality regarding social and cultural factors. data-loggers. Sousa, H., Sørensen, J. D., & Kirkegaard, P. H. (2010). Reliability
Analysis of Timber Structures through NDT Data Upgrading: STSM,
COST E55 Action (DCE Technical Reports; 96). Aalborg University

Engenharia para a Qualidade de Vida: CIDADE – Semana da Escola de Engenharia -11 a 16 de Outubro de 2010

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