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4th Grade Social Studies

Ms. Patti

° @itle of Unit: @he New Nation

° Curricular @heme: Local History and


°  ectives
± Know what it means to e free
± Understand the challenge of independence
± Understand the idea/ideals a out freedom
± Understand the development of the constitution

° Get ready to create:

± Use digital camera to create an original image

± Process it as a work of art
± Create a customized effect of aging, making it
look like an antique photo

° Use the internet to find at least 2 photos from

the 18th c that reflect civil li erties, rights,
and/or ideas.
ÿ   | 

° Picture Day!...Say Cheese ‰

° Each group of 4 will:
± Be in an individual picture
± @ake an individual picture of another mem er of
the group
± @ake a group picture of the group
± Be in all ut one group picture (exception is the
photo you are taking of group)
ÿ |  Œ

° Rork individually or in pairs

° Pick a group photo (that you are in) and an individual
photo and turn it into a photo from the 18thc civil
rights era
° nly 2 pictures required per person or per group
° Resources to consider using:
± MS PowerPoint
± Paint rush
± Picasa (located on desktop)
ÿ!" |  Œ 


° Continue working on time warp photos

° Begin to search the we for music you feel
suits your historical photos
± Music will play in the ackground when they
present their photos to the class
± Music can e a song or a sound clip
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° *inalize music choice

° Make any last minute changes to your time
warp photo
° Proect must e finalized today
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° Students/pairs will have approximately 3-5

minutes to show their work
° Presentation order will e chosen at random
" | 

Photo I found online @ime Rarp Photo I created

° Vou will e rated
± excellent
± proficient
± partially proficient
± not sufficiently proficient
± incomplete
° Based on proect components
± completion of proect
± research and preparation
± theme and concept learning
± technical proficiency
± technology use
± creativity-expression
° See ru ric

° Class Rules: Please

@hank you
± Use School Language Vou¶re Relcome

± Listen Carefully
± Raise Vour Hands
± *ollow Directions
° Enoy learning ‰

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