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Dr. Anup Kumar, Scientist ± BPLS.
 e end product of researc is most cases a researc paper
paper.. It is,
t erefore, desirable t at every researc er is familiar wit t e
fundamentals of tec nical writing

A tec nical writer, to be successful as to make is

work not only understandable but also easy to read read..
But t ere are many aut ors w o wis to give an
impression of learning and aut ority.
ority.  ey believe
t at t e text s ould be elaborately
elaborately.. Written, full of
flowing p rases and long words and sentences
sentences.. In
fact, t is style often ac ieves precisely t e opposite
effect, giving an impression of pompous, indigestible
verbosity, least advisable in S& communication

Eminent aut orities believe t at wisdom goes arm ±

in ± arm wit simplicity and t at t e keen mind is one
t at can absorb a complicated problem and state it in
simple quickly and accurately to t e minds of ot ers.
Good writing must be alive
After draft of t e paper as been written out, put it away for a
couple of days and t en finalize it. it. It is a good practice to ave t e
draft read and commented upon by one or more of your
colleagues before it is finalized
ec nical communication, tec nical writing to be specific, is not a
reality, but rat er re creation of w at was once a reality, namely
doing t e given job, to meet a social, economic, commercial or
tec no
no--scientific need Rules for writing good tec nical reports

i. Know your audience well well..

ii. Know t e subject well
iii. Go to aut entic sources
iv. Do meticulous planning
v. Evaluate t e matter properly
vi. Write in simple style, avoiding t e use of complex words & sentences
vii. Make judicious use of alternative tec niques of presenting data (suc as
tables and illustrations)
Language and style

A. Strive for simplicity and

B. Be brief
C. Do not write to impress,
write to express.
D. Use direct, simple clear
and concrete words and
E. Exaggerations and over
statements are out of place
in reports.
ß. Effective oral communication at scientific meetings is a balance
between t e message and skill presentation
2. It as been said t at many people fear speaking before audience
more t an deat . But one can surely improve is skill in speaking if
e knows and employs t e basic principles of scientific speaking
3. Select t e content of your talk, to organize your talk into a logical
sequence and to script your talk
4. Presentation means communicating your message by sound and
sig t via t e coordinated act of m   
5. Listeners will perceive t e message t roug w at t ey ear, feel and
6. For effective presentation divide presentation skills into two sub
skills, viz, stage craft and delivery
7. Stage craft refers to t e effective management of stage devices
devices;; and
³delivery´ to t e communication of your message by verbal and non non--
verbal means
*.  e word stage is used ere to refer to t e place from w ic you
make your presentation
9. Five major components of a stage used for lecture are

´ Its configuration
´ a table / podium
´ a public address system
´ a tripod for a flip c art, c alk
and board
´ Projection equipment

ß . W ile delivering a talk you are like on actor on t e stage

stage.. Your
impact on t e audience can be en anced by observing a few basic
rules of stage craft
ßß. Stage configuration
configuration::  e stage can be divided into six parts
parts..  e
front centre is strongest and t e back corners weakest
weakest.. Of t e two
sides, t e left is stronger t an t e rig t.
ß2. Avoid stationing your self in t e back corners unless you ave to
explain somet ing on t e board / screen
ß3. Stage movement
movement:: move for ward to t e centre to stress an
important point
ß4. Move back ward lowering your ands to s ow rejection of a point
ß5. Move laterally to signal a c ange of topics
ß6. Always keep your notes on a podium podium..  is not only olds your
notes at a more suitable eig t, it can also be grasped to give you
relief from limited stage frig t.
ß7. Once you ave overcome your initial stage anxiety, do not stand
be ind t e podium but stand to one side of it, standing be ind t e
podium puts a berries between you and t e audience and will
lessen t e impact of your presentation
ß*. W ile using flip c arts or a c alk board don¶t turn your back to your
audience.. ake to your audience, not to t e board
audience board..
ß       c 

6Preview t e materials
6Practice t e presentation
6Prepare t e environment
6Prepare t e audience
6Present or deliver t e message




22. However, in a scientific/ tec nical talk your purpose is to report, not
to entertain.
23. Now begin your talk by approac ing t e podium wit a calm,
composed and confident air air.. Acknowledge your introduction and
take all t e time you need to get started
24. Avoid nervousness w ile your presentation is in progress
progress..  ree
main causes of nervousness, or stage frig t are :

6 Poor presentation
6 Feeling of being evaluated
6 Fear of loss of status
25.  e best way to overcome stage frig t is t oroug preparation of
your talk
talk.. One good trick is to memorise a couple of opening
sentences word for word.
26. wo key factors in t e smoot delivery of your verbal message are
voice effectiveness of your language

6 !"  
2*. A common fault in speaking : too fast speak or too slow
slow±± ß25 words a
minute;; your audience will follow you
minute you..
29. Use simple words and specific terms terms.. Avoid jargon and strive for
3 . Be careful wit your pronunciation particularly of tec nical words
3ß. Eye contact : Eyes are per aps most revealing some orgasms make
warm and confident eye contact wit your listeners and you will
establis your credibility and en ance t eir compre ension
32.  eir eyes will also tell you ow your message is being received
32. Gestures make real impact :

6 Keep your ands in front of you and working for you, not stuffed in
your pocket
6 Don¶t let your ands s uffle paper or play wit distracting objects
suc as paper clips, pens/microp ones/paper weig ts.

33. Press:
Press: Avoid affectation in your manners and dress dress.. Dress
conservatively and appropriately to avoid calling attention to your
self ratter t an t e message
34. Avoid 4 following postures

6 Feet widely spread

6 Hands closed be ind or in front of you
6 Hands in pocket .
6 Folded arms
35. Do not read line by line, word for ±word of t e slide or transparency as
your audience are literate. tell t e gist of slide.


6 Responding to comments and questions during your presentation t e

unexpected can occurs. For example, a waiter can drop a load of
glass full of water or electricity goes off and you ad planned to use
over eads or projector or CD- W at to do?

 e best way is: do not be panic. If t ings go wrong, t e audience will

sympat ise wit you initially but t ey will be eager to see ow you
deal wit situation.
Good speakers ave a contingency plan to deal wit suc situation
 ey also plan w at to do if equipment does not work properly or w at
information to leave out of t eir talk if t ey ave less time t an



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