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Cascading Style Sheets

CSS Characteristics
 Allow you to control the layout and look of your page
 Styles define how to display HTML elements
 Style web pages written in a markup language like
 Allows the same markup page to be presented in
different styles for different rendering methods(on-
screen, in print etc.)
 Specifies a priority scheme to determine which style
rules apply if more than one rule matches against a
particular element
CSS Syntax

 The basic CSS syntax is made up of following

three parts:
▪ Selector
▪ Property
▪ Value
For ex:
Ways of inserting a style sheet

 Three ways of inserting a style sheet:

 Inline Style Sheet
(inside the HTML document, style on a single
element, specified using the “style” attribute)
 Embedded Style Sheet(Internal Style Sheet)
(blocks of CSS information inside the HTML itself)
 External Style Sheet
(separate CSS file referenced from the document)
CSS Levels

 Page Level CSS

» this requires the style sheet code to be embedded in a web page
 Site Level CSS
» somewhere in the website a single page is stored, usually with the
extension .css, containing style definitions: for example <LINK
REL=“stylesheet HREF="style.css">
 Web Level CSS
» an extension of Site Level CSS in which the web page is stored
somewhere else on the Web and the link includes a complete URL:
for instance
<LINK REL=“stylesheet” HREF="">
Cascading Order

What style will be used when there is more than one

style specified for an HTML element?
 All style will cascade into a new virtual style sheet by
the following rules, where no. 4 has highest priority:
1. Browser default (lowest priority)
2. External Style Sheet
3. Internal Style Sheet
4. Inline Style Sheet (highest priority)
Multiple Style Sheets

 If some properties have been set for the same

selector in different style sheets, the values will be
inherited from the more specific style sheet.
 For ex:, an external style sheet has these properties
for the h3 selector:
Multiple Style Sheets(continued…)

 And an internal style sheet has these properties for

h3 selector:

 If the page with the internal style sheet also links to

the external style sheet the properties for h3
selector will be:
Multiple Style Sheets(continued…)


 The color is inherited from the external style

sheet and the text-alignment and the font-
size is replaced by the internal style sheet.
 The CSS float property enables you to determine where to position an
element relative to the other element on the page.
 When you use the float property, other elements will simply wrap around
the element you applied the float to.
 For example:

<div style="width:300px;"> <h1 style="float:left;margin-right:10px;">CSS

float</h1> <p>If your browser supports the CSS float Property, this text will be
flowing around the heading. If this does not seem to work, it could be a browser
compatibility thing...</p> </div>

• It is directly responsible for the layout of the website.

• It determines how a particular element is positioned on the
• If the positioning property is not used properly, the website’s
layout can become rather messy and crippled.

» Relative Positioning
» Absolute Positioning
» Fixed Positioning
» Static Positioning
Relative Positioning
• defined by the top, bottom, left and right CSS properties
• determine how much an element will shift in relation to its “natural” position
• these four additional properties have default value of 0.
• they can accept both positive and negative values.
<p>this is a paragraph having no style</p>
<p style="position: relative; left: 35px;">this is a paragraph having relative
<p style="position: relative; right:20px;">This is a paragraph having relative
Absolute Positioning
• element will be positioned absolutely
• it will not affect other elements, and it will be positioned according to its
containing block
• if absolute positioning is used, top or bottom, left or right, and width and height
should be used as well.
<p>This is a paragraph having no style</p>
<p style="position: absolute; left: 35px; top: 50px; width: 150px; height: 250px;">This
is a paragraph having absolute positioning</p>
Fixed Positioning
• a subcategory of Absolute Positioning
• if an element has this type of position assigned, its viewport is the same as its
containing block.
• on the computer screen, an element using a fixed CSS positioning will not move
if a website is scrolled.
Media Types
Media Type Description
all For all media type device.
aural For speech synthesizers.
braille For Braille tactile feedback devices.
embossed For paged Braille printers.
handheld For handheld devices.
print For printed versions and print preview on
the screen.
projection For projected presentations such as
projectors and transparencies.
screen Computer screens.
tty Media using a fixed-pitch character grid,
such as teletypes, terminals, or portable
devices with limited display capabilities.
Tv Television-type devices.
Media Type(continued…)

There are two methods for creating separate styles

depending on the media type:
• Use the @media rule. For example:

@media print
p{font-family: Georgia, times, serif}
• Use the media attribute when linking to an external style
sheet. For example:

<LINK rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” media=“screen”

Advantages and Disadvantages

▪ CSS saves times
(CSS automatically apply the specified styles whenever that element occurs)
▪ Pages load faster
(less code means faster download times)
▪ Easy maintenance
(to change the style of an element, you only have to make an edit in one place)
▪ Superior styles to HTML
(CSS has a much wider array of attributes than HTML)

▪ Browser compatibility
Conditional Constructs
(The if-else conditional statement)

 The if statement in CSS is placed within an HTML comment construct.

 It is used to identify the browser version for Internet Explorer, and load
various parts of the style sheet based on that parameter.
 The constructs only works with IE because the browser IE is the only
one that interprets HTML comments instead of ignoring them entirely.
Other browsers, on the other hand, do not interpret comments at all.
 The notation is similar to standard “if” statement, as demonstrated in
the following example:
<!—[if It IE7]>
This is Internet Explorer

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