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Evaporation of water

1. Evaporation is a process by which liquid changes

into vapour. penyejatan ialah suatu proses di mana cecair bertukar menjadi wap 2. This change in state occurs at : - the surface of liquid permukaan cecair - the temperature below boiling point of the liquid. suhu di bawah takat didih cecair itu

Surface area of water (luas permukaan air)

- The rate of evaporation increases when the surface

area of water increases. kadar penyejatan bertambah apabila luas permukaan air bertambah

Humidity of the air (kelembapan udara)

- Water evaporates faster when the humidity is lower. Air menyejat dengan lebih cepat apabila kelembapan udara lebih rendah

Movement of air (pergerakan udara)

- The rate of evaporation increase when there is movement of air. Kadar penyejatan bertambah apabila terdapatnya pergerakan udara.

Temperature of the surrounding (suhu persekitaran)

- The rate of evaporation increases when the temperature increase. kadar penyejatan bertambah apabila suhu persekitaran bertambah



Similarities Process by which a liquid changes into vapour. Proses dimana cecair bertukar menjadi wap Heat energy is absorbed. Tenaga haba diserap

Takes place at any temperature below its boiling points

Takes place only at boiling point


Slow process


Fast process

Occurs at the surface of the liquid


Occurs throughout the liquid

Application of evaporation in daily life

y To obtain salt from sea water y To dry products from agriculture such as cocoa,

pepper, tea leaves and paddy y To dry clothes y To process milk powder

Solution and solubility

larutan dan keterlarutan

1. A solution is produced by dissolving a solute in a solvent.

suatu larutan terhasil dengan melarutkan suatu zat terlarut dalam pelarut. solution solute solvent : larutan (air gula) : zat terlarut (gula) : pelarut (air)

Solvent Liquid that dissolves a substances

Solute A substances that is dissolved

Solution A mixture of the solute and the solvent



Sugar solution

3 types of solution
y A dilute solution

larutan cair a solution that is contains very little solute larutan yang mengandungi sangat sedikit zat terlarut

y A concentrated solution

larutan pekat A concentrated solution is a solution that contains a lot of solute larutan pekat adalah larutan yang mengandungi sangat banyak zat terlarut

y A saturated solution

larutan tepu A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute and cannot dissolve any more solute at the given temperature larutan tepu adalah larutan yang mengandungi amaun zat terlarut yang maksimum dan tidak dapat melarutkan zat terlarut lagi, pada suatu suhu yang diberikan

Homogenous solution
y A solution is homogenous. There is uniform

distribution of solvent and solute through out the solution suatu larutan adalah homogen. Terdapat suatu taburan yang sekata pelarut dan zat terlarut pada keseluruhan larutan

y A suspension is a cloudy mixture containing insoluble

sediments (tiny particles of solid matter floating in it which will eventually settle to the bottom). ampaian ialah campuran yang keruh yang mengandungi enapan tak terlarutkan (zarah-zarah halus jirim pepejal terampai akan termendak pada dasar).

The differences between a solution and suspension perbezaan antara larutan dan ampaian
Solution (larutan)
Clear ixt re Campuran yang jerni Contains very tiny sol te particles that cannot be filtere out Mengandungi zarah2 zat terlarut yang tidak dapat dituras keluar No se i entation Tiada pemendakan Allows light to pass through Membenarkan cahaya melaluinya

Suspension (ampaian)
Cl y ixt re Campuran yang eruh Contains large solute particles that can be filtere out Mengandungi zarah2 zat terlarut yang boleh dituras keluar Se i entation occurs Pemendakan berlaku Does not allow uch light to pass through Tidak membenarkan cahaya melauinya

The solubility of a substance is

keterlarutan suatu bahan adalah
a) The maximum mass of the substance (solute) that

can dissolve in 100cm3 of the solvent at a specific temperature jisim maksimum suatu bahan (zat terlarut) yang boleh larut dalam 100cm3 pelarut pada suatu suhu tertentu. b) Varies with temperature bergantung pada suhu

Example: The solubility of calcium chloride is 80 gram per 100cm3 of water at 20 . keterlarutan kalsium klorida ialah 80g per 100cm3 air pada suhu 20C This statement means that 80g of calcium chloride will dissolve in 100cm3 of water at 20 to form a saturated solution.

Potassium chloride

Potassium chlorate Potassium perchlorate

The solubility of Potassium Chloride is 50g per 100cm of water at 70 C This means: 50g of Potassium Chloride will dissolve in 100cm at temperature 70C to form saturated solution.

Substance that has lowest solubility at 30C ?

Answer: Potassium perchlorate

Substance that has highest solubility at 30C ?

Answer: Potassium Chloride

Subtances that have the same solubility at specific Temperature? Answer: Potassium Chloride and Potassium Chlorate have same solubility at 100C.

Factors that affecting solubility  temperature of the solvent  stirring  size of solute  volume of solvent  nature of solute  nature of solvent

The rate of dissolving increase with:

kadar perlarutan bertambah dengan:
y Increasing temperature of solvent y Increasing surface area of solute y stirring

Water is a universal solvent in life because it can dissolve many kinds of solutes  water dissolves the nutrients in food  water dissolves the minerals in the soil (needed for growth of plants)  water as a solvent for digested food in the blood  water contains dissolved air needed for aquatic organism  water as a solvent for medecine.

Orga ic s lv
y Petrol y y y y

ts i

v ry ay lif

y Turpentine to dilute paint

to removes oil and grease Chloroform to adhere plastic Acetone to removes nail varnish Amyl Acetate to prepare nail varnish Alcohol to prepare iodine solution (disinfectant)


A) Two classes of acids y

There are two main classes of acids - inorganic or mineral acids - organic acid

Inorganic acid y Inorganic acids are prepared from mineral salts y Common inorganic acids used in laboratory are - hydrochloric acid - sulphuric acid - nitric acid Organic acid y Organic acid contain carbon and are mainly found in plants and animal

Examples of common organic acids are given in table below:

ORGANIC ACID Citric acid Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) Formic acid Lactic acid Malic acid Tannic acid Tartaric acid SOURCES Citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons and guava Vinegar Ants and bees Sour milk Apples Tea leaves grapes

Properties of acid and alkali

ACID Dilute acids taste sour strong acids are corrosive ALKALI dilute alkalis taste bitter feel soapy to touch strong alkalis are corrosive

change colour of wet blue litmus paper to red pH values is less than 7

change colour of red litmus paper to blue pH values is more than 7

ACID gives out carbon dioxide when they react with carbonate
Acid + Carbonate
react with alkali

ALKALI gives out ammonia gas when heated with ammonium salts
Alkali + ammonium salt salt + ammonia (g)
react with acid

salt + CO

to form

to form

salt and water

Acid + Alkali produce salt + water

salt and water

Acid + Alkali salt + water

hydrogen gas when react with certain metals such as magnesium, zinc and iron.
Acid + metal salt + hydrogen (g)


Acids and alkalis need water to react


a) dry solid citric acid has no effect on dry litmus paper b) dilute citric acid turns blue litmus paper to red c) this is because acids do not show their acidic properties without water d) solid acid commonly used are tartaric acid and citric acid

2. a) dry solid calcium hydroxide has no effect on dry

litmus paper. b) Calcium hydroxide solution turns red litmus paper to blue c) solid alkali does not show their alkaline properties without presence of water. d) Calcium hydroxide is commonly used in agriculture to reduce the acidity of soil

y An acid is a chemical containing hydrogen which can

be replaced by a suitable metal such as magnesium and zinc.

Dilute sulphuric acid + magnesium

hydrogen + magnesium sulphate

H Mg(SO )

Dilute hydrochloric acid + zinc

2HCl Zn

hydrogen + zinc chloride

H ZnCl

y An alkali is the oxide or hydroxide of a metal which

dissolve in water. - alkalis are formed when the oxides or hydroxide of metals dissolve in water. y Common alkali used in the laboratory are: - potassium hydroxide - sodium hydroxide - calcium hydroxide y Ammonia solution is an alkali, but it does not contain a metal ( exception to the general rule )

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