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Human Resource Planning:

HRP is the process of forecasting a firms future demand for, and supply of, the right type of people in the right number.


HRP is defined as the process by which management determines how an organisation should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. Through it management strives to have the right number & right kind of people at the right place, at the right time, doing things which result in both the organisation , & the individual receiving, maximum long range benefit.

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To retain & recruit human resources of required quantity & quality. To ensure optimum use of human resource. To link HRP with organisational planning. To assess the surplus & shortage of Human resource. To anticipate the impact of technology on jobs & human resources. To determine levels of recruitment & training. To estimate the cost of human resources & housing needs of employees. To provide a basis for management development programmes. To meet the needs of expansion & diversification programmes.

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It helps in selection & training activities

It identifies gaps in existing manpower in terms of their quantity & talent. There is a need to replace employees who retire, die, resign & become incapacitated due to injury. It facilitates the expansion & diversification of organization. It creates awareness about the effective utilization of Human resources throughout the organisation. It is helpful in effective utilisation of technological progress. With the help of HRP, areas of surplus manpower can be anticipated & timely action can be taken. HRP is useful in anticipating the cost of human resources which facilitates the budgeting process. It facilitates career succession planning in the organisation. It helps in planning for physical facilities like canteen, staff quarters.

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Process of HRP:
Analyzing organizational plans. Forecasting demand for human resources. Forecasting Supply of Human Resources Estimating Manpower gaps Action planning. Monitoring & control

Levels of HRP:
National Level y Sectoral Level y Industry Level y Unit Level

Problems in HRP:
Inaccuracy y Employee Resistance y Uncertainties y Inefficient Information System y Lack of Top management support y Time & expense y Unbalanced focus

Guidelines for Effective HRP:

Tailormade y Appropriate time horizon y Adequate Organisation y Top management support y Participation y Information System y Balanced focus

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