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Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

1. Health Perception-Health Management Pattern Perceptiona. History/interview/subjective assessment General

Describe health

Health maintenance/promotion practices

Perception on aging, health issues and self-care requirements self Exercise, diet, rest and stress management Tobacco, alcohol and drugs

Current health problems/management

Description of health problems and their management

Usage, rationale for use and side effects

Impact of health problems and treatment modalities

Self-care Self Independence, assistance required

Advanced care planning

Advance directives, power of attorney, living will

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment

Observe for indicators of effective health care management

Related to self-care measures; Observe overall appearance

Weight comparison
Compare with last documented weight and goal weight

c. Laboratory assessment (Hg A1c, up and go test) Glycosylated hemoglobin

Blood glucose control over the last 3 months

Up and Go Test

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern a. History/interview/subjective assessment
General How is your appetite? Has it recently changed? Dietary habits (RDA)
Food intake profile: 24-HR recall and 3 day diary Food intolerance and allergies

Ingestion: Chewing, swallowing, altered taste sensation, etc.

Weight gain or loss; perception of current weight

Fluid intake

Other factors influencing intake

Underlying illness, medications, environmental factors and economic factors

Nutritional supplements
Vitamins, minerals, herbs, shakes, power bars

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment
General appearance
Dry skin, alopecia, muscle weakness, pale conjunctiva, confusion

Anthropometric measurements (BMI)

Body Mass Index Value of BMI is not absolute in older population due to decreased muscle mass Older adults ( mild-moderate overweight) do not have the same CV risk factors of younger adults

Hydration/mucous membrane
Thirst sensation is often decreased with age Condition of mouth, tongue, mucous membranes, gums and teeth 30 ml of body weight (FORMULA FOR FLUID STANDARDS) 100ml/kg (FIRST 10 kg BW) then 50 ml/kg (NEXT 10 kg of BW) and 15 ml (ALL REMAINING kg BW) ACCURATE in older adults with low/high body wt.

Skin color, temperature, sensation and turgor

Cardiovascular musculoskeletal
Areas related to nutrition, including BP, pulse, assess for edema

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment Observation
Eating behaviours, actual intake, preferences, ability to feed self and swallow food, position, comfort and time to finish the meal

c. Laboratory Assessment
Nutritional anemia

Decreased protein stores, inflammation and injury

Decreased cholesterol
Decreased dietary intake

Recent changes in protein status

Thyroid dysfunction

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

3. Elimination Pattern a. History/interview/subjective assessment

Recent changes or problems with urination

Hydration considerations
Estimate urine output

Urinary incontinence
Urgency, amount and frequency Associated factors, management, ADLS

Urinary alterations
Indwelling catheter; self catheterization

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment Bowel

Recent change in bowel habits

Usual bowel function

Frequency, amount, color, consistency Incontinence, pain, straining

Bowel alterations
Ileostomy/colostomy Past and current bowel problems

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment
Urinary Genitourinary assessment for older adults without symptoms Observe, percuss and palpate for distended bladder, palpate abdomen for pain In-depth genitourinary assessment for older adults with urinary symptoms MEN/WOMEN: UTI/CVA tenderness WOMEN: pelvic exam MEN: rectal exam Incontinence Contributing factors (medications, impaired mobility, cognitive impairment) Urinary alterations Color and clarity of urine Color, shape and size of stoma

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

Bowel Abdominal examination

Rectal examination
Hemorrhoids, fissures

Bowel alterations
Colostomy (odor, color and consistency of the stool)

Medication review
Contributing factors

c. Laboratory/diagnostic tests Urinary (urine, serum tests)

Postvoidal residual (retention/incontinence) UA (UTI) Creatinine, BUN, PSA

Bowel (Guaiac, occult blood tests, sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy)

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

4. Activity-Exercise Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
Participation in regular activities; limitations

Typical day
Typical day activity Activity patterns, sleep adequacy and rest periods Pain and fatigue

Physical activity
Activity patterns; limitations or changes

Assessment of ADLs
Independence; assistance

Medical or physical problems

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

Driving assessment
License, accidents, violations, factors that may affect ability to drive

Hypertension, angina, numbness/tingling of extremities

Lung or breathing problems; allergies

Problems that can affect mobility

Concerns; assistive devices, RF, environmental hazards, environmental modifications

Social/recreational activities
Interest or hobbies

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment Vital signs
VS at rest, after moderate and vigorous exercise BP and HR in supine and standing positions

Capillary refill, apical, radial and peripheral pulses, edema

Respiratory pattern (rate, depth, rhythm and type)

Symmetry, mass, tremor or spasms, ROM, strength and tone

Sitting and standing; ability to stand transfer and ambulate assistive devices, coordination

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

4. Activity-Exercise Pattern

b. Physical examination/objective assessment Assessment of ADLs

Level of independence and assistance

Driving assessment
Visual and hearing deficits, cognitive, neurologic and musculoskeletal systems

Fall assessment
Gait, balance, muscle strength, medications, cardiovascular status FALLS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH SIGNIFICANT MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY RATES IN OLDER ADULTS

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

c. Laboratory and diagnostic tests (CBC, CXR, ECG, Cardiac exercise stress test, Osteoporosis screening) CBC WBC Pulse Oximetry CXR Cardiac Stress Test cardiac risk factors Osteoporosis screening (bone density test) - >65 women and at age 60 for high risk

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

5. Sleep-Rest Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
Do you feel rested after sleeping?

Current patterns
Sleep time, Arousal time, nap frequency and duration

Sleep pattern, difficulty sleeping, contributing factors

Sleep routines
Sleeping aids, bedtime rituals, environmental factors

For sleep difficulties Sleep/wake diary

to record naps, sleeping duration, dreams, awakening, effectiveness of bedtime aids

Family observation of sleep-rest patterns

Noting positioning, movement, restlessness, snoring

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment
Adverse impact of sleep patterns or sleep medication

Medication review

c. Diagnostic testing
Sleep study
Unresponsive to conservative measures

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
Cognition Memory
Forgetfulness (sudden/gradual, minor or major events); Causes (illness)

Difficulties in articulation, forming ideas, sensory deficits, memory impairment

Time, day, year Familiar people and places

Functional considerations
Cognitive impairment

Perception Sensory systems

Changes in sensory function (visual, hearing, tactile, smell or taste)

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

Pain assessment
Subjective PQRST

b. Physical examination/objective assessment

Cognitive assessment
Level of consciousness Standardized mental status exam Communication style and factors that affect communication

Sensory examination

Pain assessment
Type of pain (somatic, visceral and neuropathic) and etiologies PQRST Coping measures

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

7. Self-Perception/Self-Concept Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
How do you feel about yourself as a person?

Self acceptance and recognition of self-worth

Affective/psychological assessment Symptoms

Prolonged sadness, worthlessness, guilt Coping methods

Depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders and treatment

Plans to achieve the goals

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment
Psychosocial development
Ego integrity vs. Self despair

Affective/psychological assessment Screening (Geriatric Depression Scale)

At least annual screening for depression Preferred screening tool

Identify at risk for depression or suicide Maintain a high index of suspicion for both depression and suicide risk

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

8. Role-Relationship Pattern
a. History/interview/subjective assessment General How would you describe your role within your family and community? Roles (FORMAL AND INFORMAL) Family Marital status, family situation, living arrangements and financial situations Friends/community Involvement with people or community groups Relationships/socialization Family Family decisions, relationships, crisis Environmental factors Distance, means of communication and transportation

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

Destructive relationships/elder mistreatment

Safety at home, ambivalent feelings, coping strategies

Victim of crime or interpersonal violence

Assess if needs are met, relationship with caregiver, nutrition and hygiene

Self-care ability, safety, cleanliness

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

b. Physical examination/objective assessment Observation
Social patterns and relationships

Role assessment Caregiver

Caregiver burden

Care recipient

Elder mistreatment examination THREE SITUATIONS:

 Unusual injuries  Multiple RF for elder abuse or neglect  High index of suspicion

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment Elder mistreatment examination General survey

Personal hygiene

Cognitive impairments and functional deficits

Physical examination
Bodily injury

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

9. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
Introduction Belief and expectations (male and female)
Sexual difficulties or changes, illness or medications that affect sexual activity

Sexually active (men and women)

Gender, no. of past and current partners, type of intercourse, changes un sexual activity

b. Physical examination/objective assessment

Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal congruency
Satisfaction; concerns

Problem-focused physical examination

Testicular/pelvic exams STD

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
Overall stress level

Stress assessment
Current causes and contributing factors

Stress management/coping
Praying, meditation, indulgence in food, cigarettes, alcohol

Recent actual or perceived loss

b. Physical examination/objective assessment

Range of coping skills and their effectiveness

Comprehensive Elderly Assessment

11. Value-Belief Pattern

a. History/interview/subjective assessment
Explanatory statement

Role of spirituality in ones life

Lack of transportation, attire, altered mobility, sensory deficits

Internal conflict
At end of life, issues may play an important role in decision-making

Open-ended question

b. Physical examination/objective assessment

Spiritual concepts that affect administration of health care

Spiritual distress
Referral to spiritual counselor or clergy

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