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THFRF'S t0THlt6 llKF

W AustruIiu is the smuIIest continent in the worId,
W It is Iocuted between the Indiun Oceun und the South Pucific
Oceun with u totuI ureu of 700000 sq km,
W As u country it is the sith Iurgest in the worId,
W On one hund you wiII find the snow covered peuks of
Tusmuniu on the other you wiII uIso come ucross Iurge
deserts und tropicuI forests thut underIie the vuriety the
continent hus to offer,
W Currency of AustruIiu is AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR
I11I11J 11JO1A 1P
The History of AustruIiun cricket begun
over Z00 yeurs ugo,
The first recorded cricket mutch in AustruIiu took pIuce in
Sydney in
December 103 between AUSTRALIA &
Since then they huve proved themseIves musters of both
the one-duy und five-duy versions of the gume,
These mutches uttructed Iurge crowds incIuding u
crowd of 1000 ut u mutch in Sydney in Junuury
kecorded 17 consecut|ve years of econom|c growth s|nce
1992 averag|ng 33 per cent a year
1hese are one of the most stab|e and product|ve per|ods of
Austra||a's modern h|story and Austra||a |s at top of
deve|oped countr|es |n terms of susta|ned growth
Austra||a |s forecast to grow aga|n at 27S per cent |n 2008
09 wh|ch |s above the average growth rate members of the
Crgan|sat|on of Lconom|c Cooperat|on and Deve|opment
(CLCD) of 22 per cent
Austra||a ranks f|rst |n the As|aac|f|c reg|on for |abour
agr|cu|tura| and |ndustr|a| product|v|ty per person emp|oyed
2010 Lconom|c Survey noted that ||v|ng standards |n
Austra||a surpass those of a|| countr|es except the Un|ted
1here are tota| 18 cr|cket grounds some a|ong w|th there
capac|ty are as under
Me|bourne 100000
Anz stad|um 83S00
Sydney cr|cket ground 47000
1he Gabba 42000
Ade|a|de ova| 37000
WACA 24S00
8e||er|ve 16000
AustruIiu's upprouch to nutionuI security is bused on strong
co-operutive co-ordinuted und consuItive reIutionship
between the stute & territory government the AustruIiun
governmenttheir depurtment und ugencies und internutionuI
{AustruIiun security inteIIigence orgunizution} est,in 1979
Its roIe is to identify & investigute threut's to security
wherever they urise und to provide udvice to protect
AustruIiu its peopIe & it's interest,
W Austra||a's per cap|ta |ncome by 2009 |s US5 4S300
W Larn|ng popu|at|on |s a|most 9S (unemp|oyment by 49 as of
march 2011) more than USA and Germany
W D|sposab|e |ncome |ncreased 26 per year |n the |ast decade and
the GD |ncreased by a|most 4
W A 3805 week|y spend|ng fam||y spends 895 on recreat|ona|
act|v|t|es whereas a h|gh |ncome fam||y wh|ch |s more than 3
t|mes of |ow |ncome fam||y spends near|y 3003S05 beh|nd
W Sports |s cons|dered to be one of the ma[or recreat|ona| act|v|t|es
|n Austra||a
W We a|ready know that Cr|cket |s very popu|ar so a ma[or chunk of
peop|e spend|ng beh|nd sport|ng event for enterta|nment w||| go
to cr|cket
Is one of the oIdest teum to sturt pIuying cricket, PIuyed its
test mutch wuy buck in 177 with EngIund,
Number of test mutches pIuyed tiII dute is 734 second ufter
EngIund's 90+ tests,
NutionuI sport of AustruIiu,
AustruIiun domestic cricket engoys good umount of pubIic
support unIike Indiu which is remurkubIe,
More thun different types of formuts which indicutes how
much the cricket in engoyed und encouruged in uII formuts,
It hus successfuIIy hosted WorId Cup twice with pucked
studiums given the fuct thut cupucity of studium in AustruIiu
is huge,
Country munuges to produce the uII time greuts of the gume
of cricket the nume needIess to specify,
W Tu incentives to CCI,
W Encourugement to IocuI cIubs to sign pIuyers from
ipI so thut the IocuI pIuyers wiII guin from shuring
u common dressing room eperience,
W As AustruIiu hus stute of the urt studiums und the
best of technoIogy the government cun guin from
uttructing CCI to Ieuse or shure its
infrustructure und technoIogy,
W Tourism sector on u boom,

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