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The 5 Spiritual Keys to Positive Thinking


The First Key is Faith

And then HE went to Taif to preach the word of God The leaders of Taif ordered the slaves & children to pelt the prophet with stones and to spit at him The prophet was chased out of the city with his shoes drenched in his own blood He took shelter under a tree and called to his Lord God sent down Jibraeel

Jibreel said, that if he so wished Allah would crush the whole valley of Taif along with its non-believers under the mountains surrounding them. What do you think the prophet did? He was such a compassionate, forgiving & a positive person that instead of asking for revenge. He asked God the most compassionate, merciful to forgive them and made a prayer for there guidance. The world saw that in a few years TAIF embraced Islam. This was due to prophets positive attitude, which was because of his faith in himself, his goal and above all God.

The 2nd key is Count your blessings not your troubles

Count your blessings not your troubles

Urwah Ibn Al Zubair had an operation, and the doctor amputated his leg. One friend came to visit him. Urwah thought that the fried came to pacify him for the loss of his leg. So Urwah told the visitor: If you came to give me condolence for the loss of my leg, I already submitted to Allah with patience to reward me for its loss. The guest told him, I came to inform you that your son fell down in a stable, and the animals stepped over him, and he died one hour ago.

Count your blessings not your troubles

Urwah said: O Allah! You took one child, and left me many You took one organ from my body, and left me many organs O Allah! You tested me with my body, and you were kind to leave me with good health. You tested me with the loss of my son, but you were kind in leaving me the rest of my children.

The 3rd Key is Being Curious instead of Judgmental

Being Curious instead of Judgmental

Do you often think about

How people have wronged you? They are so egotistical? They dont care? They are so proud? If yes? Then you should look into yourself, maybe you are the same. Free yourself from the disease of making others wrong then you will free yourself from disease of making yourself wrong

The 3rd Key is Being Curious instead of Judgmental

You will have a lot more energy to focus on solutions instead of problems He who is without sin, let me caste the first stone. What I like about this person? What would be going through this person in order to feel this way? How can I help this person? How humans operate, you will learn how to support yourself when trying to support others. Out beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing, theres a field, I will meet you there. - Rumi

The 4th Key you are Human, You are not perfect

4th Key, You are Human, You are not Perfect

You will say things you shouldnt say Do things you shouldnt do Make decisions that you shouldnt make But this is part of being human Even the greatest of prophets, mystics and leaders made mistakes Learn to forgive yourself Keep a Register of wrong thing you do & continue to improve. Improvement is a gradual process, it doesnt occur overnight. God desires that He should make light your burdens, and man is created weak (4:28)

5th Key, Making Positive thinking a habit

5th Key, Making Positive thinking a habit

This Ramadan Go on a 7 Day Mental Diet. Can You spend just one week without a single Negative thought? This doesnt mean that you wont have negative thoughts, or nothing negative will happen. It means that You will not speak them And you will try to find something positive in them in every negative situation. I challenge you all to do this & I promise you if you do, it will change your life forever.

And it may be that you dislike a thing, which is good for you and that you like a thing, which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know

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