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CLn CulZ
roughL Lo you by
Ann Zach
23 quesLlons ln all
1op 8 Leams ln Lhe flnal
CuesLlons 3101320 and 23 are sLarred
quesLlons whlch wlll be used Lo resolve Lles
SWl1CP off moblle phones any one found
uslng lL wlll be dlsquallfled
And of course CM's declslon ls flnal and
LeLs begln
1 ld Lhls sLrucLure and where ln bangalore would you
see Lhls? ( exacL locaLlon please) arL polnLs
WaLson and crlck's uCuLL PLLlx
2 ll1
1he ____ ____ _____ ls perhaps Lhe mosL
lnLeresLlng of Lhe new 1echnlcal 8egulaLlons
lmposed on lormula 1 ln 2011 lLs purpose?
1o promoLe overLaklng by counLeracLlng Lhe
loss of downforce lncurred when followlng
anoLher lormula 1 car
( vldeo ln nexL sllde )
IIA 1echn|ca| kestr|ct|ons
1he devlce ls allowed Lo be used under Lhe followlng llA conLrolled
- 1he followlng car ls aL a maxlmum of 1 second behlnd Lhe leadlng car
(Lhe llA reserve Lhe rlghL Lo alLer Lhls parameLer race by race)
- 1he followlng car ls ln an overLaklng zone as deflned by Lhe llA prlor Lo
Lhe race 1hls ls expecLed Lo be ln Lhe braklng zone of Lhe longesL sLralghL
of Lhe Lrack
- lL may only be acLlvaLed once per lap ln Lhe race and noL on Lhe flrsL Lwo
- lL cannoL be used unLll 2 laps have passed afLer a safeLy car appearance
u8AC 8LuuC1lCn S?S1LM u8S
Jhat's |ns|de a _____ _____?
ayer 1 ls shlny gold foll uo noL eaL Lhls layer lL does noL
LasLe good
ayer 2 ls made of chocolaLe and crushed hazelnuLs 1hls ls
my favourlLe layer
ayer 3 ls a crlspy shell LhaL Lhe chocolaLe/hazelnuL mlx ls
wrapped around
ayer 4 ls a smooLh chocolaLey layer 1hls ls my second
favourlLe layer
ayer S ls Lhe cenLre of Lhe _____ _____3a whole hazelnuL
Clmme x and ?
O was a uddhlsL monk who llved durlng Lhe 3Lh/6Lh cenLury
and ls LradlLlonally credlLed as Lhe leadlng paLrlarch and
LransmlLLer of ? Lo Chlna Pe was Lhe Lhlrd son of a 1amll klng
Candha varma allava lv of Lhe allava uynasLy

Accordlng Lo
Chlnese legend he also began Lhe physlcal Lralnlng of
Lhe Shaolln monks LhaL led Lo Lhe creaLlon of Shaollnquan
Powever marLlal arLs hlsLorlans have shown Lhls legend sLems
from a 17Lh cenLury qlgong manual known as Lhe ljlo Iloq
Clue ln Lhe nexL sllde
x odhluharma
? Zen
"So called ssey Miyake and asked him to design a vest
for us, X recalled, " came back with some samples and
told everyone it would great if we would all wear these
vests. Oh man, did get booed off the stage. Everybody
hated the idea. So asked ssey to make me some of his
black turtlenecks that liked, and he made me like a
hundred of them." X noticed my surprise when he told
this story, so he showed them stacked up in the closet.
"That's what wear," he said. " have enough to last for
the rest of my life."
d X and what is he talking about??? ( part points)
SLeve !obs on hls LradlLlonal lack
1ShlrL and lue Levl's 301
6 ld Lhe person on Lhe rlghL
SlCMunu l8Luu
7 Cnly x? needed
x? ls a naLlve of SeaLLle who exhlblLed an early lnLeresL ln
LheoreLlcal physlcs especlally quanLum mechanlcs and Lhe
Lheory of general relaLlvlLy Pls chlldhood heroes are AlberL
LlnsLeln SLephen Pawklng and 8lchard leynmanAfLer
observlng a serles of LeleporLaLlon experlmenLs conducLed by
Lhe lnsLlLuLe for LxperlmenLal hyslcs aL Lhe unlverslLy of
lnnsbruck lnnsbruck AusLrla Lhe Lransmlsslon of maLLer
became x?s obsesslon
Pe has no known dependenLsPe graduaLed from Ml1 wlLh
a hu degree ln 1heoreLlcal hyslcs Pls docLoral Lhesls on
Lhe LeleporLaLlon of maLLer Lhrough exLremely dense
elemenLs was LlLled Obsetvotloo of losteloloJolsky
koseo otooqlemeot oo 5optopoootom 5ttoctotes by
loJoctloo 1btooqb Noolloeot 1toosotoolc ctystol of xttemely
looq woveleoqtb (lw) lolse ftom MoJelockeJ 5ootce
Cordon lreeman of Palf llfe
8 ll1
5e/oqine//o bryopteris known commonly as ________ ls a
llLhophyLlc planL lL grows on Lhe hllls of Lroplcal areas
parLlcularly Lhe Aravalll MounLaln Lerralns from easL Lo wesL ln
lndla 1he dry planLs have LradlLlonally been used as an
remedy for several human healLh compllcaLlons for cenLurles
ln lndla parLlcularly by Lrlbal peoples 1radlLlonal uses lnclude
rellef from heaL sLroke dysurla lrregular mensLruaLlon
and [aundlce buL Lhe effecLlveness has noL been sclenLlflcally
Clue anybody ?

lll Warren a famous Callfornlan shlpwreck

explorer and auLhor of Shlpwrecks and
ulscoverles" ls launchlng an exploraLlon ln Lhe
norLh Arablan Sea WhaL ls he looklng for?
Csama ln Laden's ody
10*WhaL ln bangalore do Lhese
Lelephone nos refer Lo??
!ayanagar 2632007
anneraghaLLa 8oad 26781007
1M LayouL 26681007
! nagar 2661007
11 uL funda
W8l1L8's LCCk
named afLer hls faLher x was Lhe son of a
prosperous farmer Pe was a premaLure baby and
suffered from dyslexla aL a young age Pe was
broughL up under Lhe care of hls sLep faLher whom
he haLed ln hls laLe Leens was engaged Lo a Mlss
SLorey buL he never marrled her because he was Loo
engrossed ln hls sLudles and work Pls personal coaL
of arms ls Lwo crossed bones AfLer hls deaLh Lhe
auLopsy reporL reporLed large amounLs of mercury ln
hls blood whlch has been aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe cause of
hls eccenLrlclLy ln hls lasL few years Lesser known
facLs of whom?
1he Plndu descrlbed hls Madras Sabha debuL
wlLh Lhe headllne A ConnecLlcuL ?ankee ln
karnaLaka SanglLam" Who be Lhls??
!on Plgglns
1 ld Lhls famous sLrucLure
noL Lhe PuMA?un's 1CM
lL's Lhe AuSPAPl MCSCuL lahore
13* Whlch rlver??
1he x ls a LrlbuLary of Lhe ArkavaLhy 8lver
nandlkeshwara 1heerLha kalyanl (asava 1heerLha)
ln fronL of Lhe kadu malleshwara Lemple ls sald Lo be
Lhe maln source or blrLhplace of Lhls 8lver 1he
kalyanl faces Lo Lhe souLh
A vlslL Lo 8v ls lncompleLe lf you
havenL seen Lhe v8lSPAPAvA1Pl
x? deflnes a _____ _____ as Lhe momenL of crlLlcal mass
Lhe Lhreshold Lhe bolllng polnL1he book seeks Lo explaln
and descrlbe Lhe mysLerlous soclologlcal changes LhaL mark
everyday llfe As x? sLaLes ldeas and producLs and messages
and behavlors spread llke vlruses do
1he examples of such changes ln hls book lnclude Lhe rlse ln
popularlLy and sales of Push upples shoes ln Lhe mld10s
and Lhe preclplLous drop ln Lhe new ?ork ClLy crlme raLe afLer
1llnC Cln1
17 name of Lhls famous clrculL?
ClrculL de la sarLhe / le mans clrculL
18 Clmme x
Crlglnally x was a rellglous pracLlce 1he name comes from Lhe
LaLln for to speok ftom tbe stomocb 1he Creeks called Lhls
gasLromancy 1he nolses produced by Lhe sLomach were LhoughL Lo
be Lhe volces of Lhe unllvlng who Look up resldence ln Lhe sLomach
of Lhe _______
1he ______ would Lhen lnLerpreL Lhe sounds as Lhey were LhoughL
Lo be able Lo speak Lo Lhe dead as well as foreLell Lhe fuLure
Cne of Lhe earllesL recorded group of propheLs Lo uLlllse Lhls
Lechnlque was Lhe yLhla Lhe prlesLess aL Lhe Lemple
of Apollo ln uelphl who acLed as Lhe condulL for Lhe uelphlc
Cne of Lhe mosL successful early gasLromancers was Lurykles a
propheL aL ALhens ln Lhe Mlddle Ages lL was LhoughL Lo be slmllar
Lo wlLchcrafL
1he ____ _____ ls a prlmarlly onllne phenomenon ln whlch an
aLLempL Lo hlde or remove a plece of lnformaLlon has
Lhe unlnLended consequence of publlclzlng Lhe lnformaLlon
more wldely lL ls named afLer Amerlcan enLerLalner x?
whose aLLempL ln 200 Lo suppress phoLographs of her
resldence lnadverLenLly generaLed furLher publlclLy
Slmllar aLLempLs have been made for example ln ceaseand
deslsL leLLers Lo suppress numbers flles and webslLes lnsLead
of belng suppressed Lhe lnformaLlon recelves exLenslve
publlclLy ofLen belng wldely mlrrored across Lhe lnLerneL or
dlsLrlbuLed on fllesharlng neLworks
x?'s resldence whlch led Lo Lhe namlng
of Lhe phenomenon
arbara SLrelsand effecL
20* uekha Lk khwab" from Lhe
movle SlLSlLA Where was lL shoL??
keukenhof garden/garden of
Lurope/World's largesL flower garden
21 uL funda 1hlnk slmple and don'L
22 LeLs Lake a walk down memory
ld Lhe movle from Lhe CS1 belng played
Pome Alone
2 Looklng for a phrase/slogan
?ou don'L wln sllver you lose gold"
nlkL's mosL conLroverslal blllboard slogan
durlng Lhe aLlanLa olymplcs ln 16
1hey all made news on 1
ocLober 2011
And uanlca May
7 llllonLh bables!
23* WhaL ls Lhls vldeo abouL??
1he uewarlsLs
llnALS follow

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