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CovL Ayurvedlc PosplLal

MarkeL research
W 1o have a deLalled sLudy on varlous aspecLs of
CovL Ayurvedlc Medlcal ollege 1rlvandrum
and Lo ldenLlfy areas of concern and suggesL
remedles by whlch Lhe lnsLlLuLe can become a
ploneer ln ayurvedlc LreaLmenL ln Lhe counLry
and also a rellable desLlnaLlon for paLlenLs as
well as LourlsLs
W SLarLed ln 1889 durlng relgn of Srl Moolam
1hlrunal as kashaayappura
W Admlsslon for [usL 13 sLudenLs
W llve year course sLarLed ln 1910
W lrom 1917 course LlLled valdyakalanldhl"
W 1929 lnLroduced research degree
W AMS 70 seaLs
W Mu 37 seaLs
9resenL Scenarlo
W 1eachlng sLaffs 83
W non Leachlng sLaff 483
W noof deparLmenLs 13
W AMS (Ayurvedacharya) 43 + 1
W Mu (Ayurveda vachaspaLhy) 3 yrs
W noof beds 130
luncLlonlng hosplLals
W Ayurveda college hosplLal
W Ayurveda college hosplLal for women and
chlldren 9oo[appura
W 9anchakarma PosplLal 9oo[appura
Lher deparLmenLs
W Ayurveda ollege 9harmacy
W urug 1esLlng Lab
W Ayurveda esearch lnsLlLuLe 9oo[appura
W 9harmacognosy unlL
W urug SLandardlzaLlon unlL
W SerpenLarlum
W noof new op 300/day
W noof old op 700/day
W lp 23/day
W 9harmacy dlspenslng medlclnes(only kashayam
oll) lnslde hosplLal
W 2 pharmacles owned by cooperaLlve socelLy
lnslde Lhe campus
W lull fledged laboraLory carrylng ouL LesLs aL very
low cosL
W C and xA avallable
W 9L free of cosL
W A9L s2 for consulLaLlon
W Medlclnes boughL from hosplLal ls free
W Medlclnes are lnsLanLly prepared
ulSASS 1A1u
W olnL 9alns Muscular 9alns Spralns ulslocaLlon
heumaLlsm ArLhrlLls
W ulabeLes SpondyllLls AsLhma beslLy 9sychosomaLlc
dlseases Mlgralne
W SporLs ln[urles
W ye dlseases SlnuslLls PyperLenslon
W 9sorlasls
W Cynecologlcal complalnLs AnLe naLal 9osL naLal
W 9aralysls and oLher neurologlcal dlsorders
W n1 problems
W lnferLlllLy aundlce kldney dlsorders 9edlaLrlc complalnLs
M1PuS l 1A1Mn1
W Abhyangam (8ody Massage) Synchronlzed body massage wlLh medlcaLed oll for
a perlod of 3043 mlnuLes 1hls LreaLmenL ls very useful for relaxlng Lhe muscles Lo
relleve Lhe sLress and Lo lmprove blood clrculaLlon
W edanam (eam|ng) lL ls a process of purlfylng Lhe body 1hls brlngs ouL Lhe
Loxlns of Lhe body Lhere by cleanslng Lhe skln lmproves Lhe Lone of Lhe body and
reduces faL eLc
W Ddarhanam 1hls ls a massage wlLh herbal powder 1hls LreaLmenL ls for obeslLy
and cerLaln rheumaLlc allmenLs eLc
W 9|zh|ch|| Pere Lhe medlcaLed oll ls poured all over Lhe body on a rhyLhmlc way
conLlnuously for a perlod of 30 43 mlnuLes per day 1hls ls very useful for chronlc
condlLlons llke ArLhrlLls 9aralysls nervous dlsablllLy and cerLaln muscular
W -avarak|zh| lL ls a process by whlch Lhe whole body or a speclflc parL ls LreaLed
by Lhe appllcaLlon of boluses fllled wlLh medlcaLed puddlngs prepared wlLh cerLaln
decocLlons whlch ls Lled ln a muslln bag lL ls done for [olnL palns emaclaLlon of
llmbs ln chlldren and elderly persons hlgh blood pressure and cerLaln skln
W -asyam Perbal [ulces or medlcaLed olls are lnsLllled lnLo Lhe nosLrlls
1hls ls hlghly effecLlve ln cerLaln klnds of head aches slnuslLls and oLher
dlseases relaLed Lo head and nose
W hara (1hakra hara 1ha||a hara kashaya hara) ln Lhls process some
herbal olls medlcaLed mllk medlcaLed buLLer mllk eLc are poured as
conLlnuous sLream on Lhe forehead 1hls ls an ldeal LreaLmenL Lo relleve
sLress and sLraln and lnduclng good sleep and for cerLaln skln dlseases lL
wlll also lmprove memory power and cools Lhe body
W Iash| erLaln herbal oll or herbal exLracLs ls admlnlsLered Lhrough Lhe
recLum(nema) 1hls LreaLmenL ls effecLlve for arLhrlLls paralysls
numbness and consLlpaLlon
W |rovash| ln Lhls procedure Lhe oll ls reLalned on Lhe scalp wlLh Lhe help
of a leaLher crown 1hls ls done ln case of faclal paralysls dryness of
nosLrlls mouLh and LhroaL severe head ache and dlseases of Lhe eyes
W kadee Iash| ln Lhls process warm medlcaLed
oll ls reLalned over Lhe lower back wlLh Lhe help
of herbal forLe 1hls LreaLmenL lasLs for 30
mlnuLes Lo an hour and lL ls good for any Lype of
low back paln and oLher splnal dlsorders
W k|zh| (L|ak|zh| 9od| k|zh|) Perbal leaves or
herbal powders aeraLed ln medlcaLed oll ls
applled Lo Lhe whole body ln boluses for a perlod
of 30 43 mlnuLes per day 1hls ls found effecLlve
ln arLhrlLls wlLh lnflammaLory swelllng
Spondllosls ln[urles eLc
W no of respondenLs 60
W MeLhodology ulrecL quesLlonnalre
W espondenLs boLh lp op paLelnLs ln govL
ayurveda college 1rlvandrum
W Medlcal college ls sorL by paLlenLs havlng
W orLho relaLed dlseases
W more Lhan 33 years of age
W lrom low lncome group
W n CuallLy of LreaLmenL provlded
W Servlce of sLaff
W AvallablllLy and quallLy of medlclnes
W Pyglene
W 9anka[akasLhurl Ayurveda Medlcal ollege
kaLLakada 1vM
W ShanLhlglrl Ayurveda PosplLal 9oLhencode
W Accordlng Lo paLlenLs boLh sanLhlglrl and
panka[akasLhurl offer beLLer
faclllLlesLreaLmenL hygene and paLlenL care
W CuallLy of docLors and low cosL ls Lhe drlvlng
facLor Lowards medlcal college
W CuallLy of servlce of sLaff should be ralsed
W rowdlng of people lnslde op room Lo be
avolded Lhereby provldlng paLelnLs wlLh beLLer
W more quallLy lnfrasLrucLures llke bed
W lncrease laboraLory faclllLles
W lncrease lp capaclLy
W sLarL more orLho and relaLed op's
W sLarL a speclallsL orLho cenLre as parL of
W SLrlcL acLlon Lo be Laken agalnsL unwanLed
sLrlkes by sLaff
W SLarL a medlclne boLLllng unlL
W SLarL manufacLure of all medlclnes or
W a webslLe
W a LoLal change ls needed ln Lhe ouLlook of
W hosplLal Loday ls vlslLed by people from low
lncome group
W lL can be made aLLracLlve Lo oLher group as
well by havlng more lnfrasLrucLures hygelne
W 1hey can be charged hlgh as well

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