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00k10N1115S i0k 08
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
Cha||enges and Opportunities for OB
Responding to G|oba|ization
boundurles becomlng blurred, world
becomlng u globul vllluge, lncreused
forelgn usslgnmenLs, worklng wlLh
eole fromdlfferenL culLures.
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08

uestion : What is g|oba|ization?

Answer : Princess Oianas death

uestion : How come?

Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
n Lng/ish rlncess wlLh un
Lgyption boyfrlend crushes ln u
lrench Lunnel, drlvlng u
Germon cur wlLh u
utch englne, drlven by u
Be/gion who wus hlgh on
5cottish whlskey,
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
followed closely by
to/ion Puuruzzl on
Joponese moLorcycles, LreuLed by un
Americon docLor, uslng
Brozi/ion medlclnes!
nd Lhls ls senL Lo you by u
onodion, uslng
8lll CuLes Lechnology whlch he goL from Lhe
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08

nd you ure robubly reudlng Lhls on

one of Lhe l8M clones LhuL use
hi/ippine-mude chls, und koreon mude
monlLors, ussembled by Bong/odeshi
workers ln u 5ingopore lunL, LrunsorLed by
lorrles drlven by ndions, hl|ucked by
ndonesions und flnully
sold Lo you by u hinese!

hats G|oba|ization!!!!!
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
anaging Workforce Oiversity
orgunlzuLlons becomlng u more
heLerogeneous mlx of eole ln Lerms of
gender, uge, ruce, und eLhnlclLy
Gender Oiscrimination in
Wa|-art 8 e|co
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
mproving ua|ity and Productivity
lncreused focus on quullLy munugemenL,
conLlnuous lmrovemenL, rocess
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
mproving Customer 5ervice growLh
of servlce secLor, cusLomer dellghL
American Express
Empowering Peop|e declslon muklng
belng ushed down Lhe order, lncreused
decenLrullzuLlon, more emhusls on
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
5timu|ating nnovation 8 Change
lncreused flexlblllLy, ouL-of-box Lhlnklng
M CororuLlon
Coping with emporariness conLrucL
|obs, ro|ecL bused |obs, ouLsourclng
Nlke, Clsco SysLems
Cha11enges & opportuntes 1or 08
Working in etworked Organizations
lncreused use of Lechnology, worklng from
home, LelecommuLlng
HP, l8M, MlcrosofL, P8C
He|ping Emp|oyee Ba|ance WorkjLife
Conf|icts lncreuslng ressure of work,
workuhollsm, z X , work envlronmenL
Corporate nitiatives

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