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Human Resource Management

Unit 1


HRM and PM
HRM is a broad concept which covers many personnel aspects and include social, professional and individual enterprise aspects. Personnel Management focuses only on personnel aspects such as leadership, justice determination, task specialisation, staffing, performance appraisal, etc. HRM is more growth-oriented . Personnel Management is slightly narrow.

HRM Focus
HRM emphasizes on training, which covers the following aspects: Increasing productivity; Improving quality; Improving organisational climate; Ensuring personnel growth etc.


According to Jucius
the human factor refers to a whole consisting

of inter-related, interdependent and interacting physiological, psychological, sociological and ethical components. As regards physiological components, it requires several inputs like food, rest and environmental conditions to satisfy the physiological needs.


The Hawthorne Studies

Economic incentives are less potent than generally believed in influencing workers to achieve high levels of output. Leadership practices and work-group pressures profoundly influence employee satisfaction and performance. Any factor influencing employee behaviour is embedded in a social system. For instance, to understand the impact of pay on performance, you also have to understand the climate that exists in the work group and the leadership style of the superior.


Leadership Style and Practices

Among the differences in style noted were that supervisors of productive groups in comparison to their lower producing counterparts were: More emotionally supportive of subordinates. More likely to pay a differentiated role - plan, regulate, and coordinate the activities of subordinates, but not become directly involved in work tasks. More likely to exercise general rather than close or light supervision.

Human Relations Theory

Human Relations in Management is a process that brings workers into contact with and causes them to be influenced by : their leaders, their jobs, other aspects of the organizations which they work.


According to McFarland
"Human Relations is the study and practice of utilizing human resources through knowledge and through an understanding of the activities, attitudes, sentiments, and interrelationships of people at work."


Objectives of Human Relations

An understanding of human behaviour can: 1. Assist the manager to develop a better realization of how his own attitudes and behaviour play a part in everyday affairs; 2. Assist him to develop a keener sensitivity towards the other people; 3. Help him to develop an improved understanding of the problems of reconciling his own interests and capabilities with the needs and goals of the organization of which he is or will become, a part;


Objectives of Human Relations

4. Enable him to anticipate and prevent problems, or at least to resolve more effectively those that he cannot avoid; 5. Assist him to see things as they are not as they should, or as he would , like them to be; and 6. Assist him to cast aside some of the excess mental luggage that increase his mental load but his effectiveness.


The Scope of Human Relations

It springs up from the problems which have many different causes and perspectives. Halloran has stated these as: Every person brings a unique set of talents, ambitions and work experience to a job. The organizational aspects of a company. The restructuring of job roles and responsibilities. Promotion of individuals to positions of greater responsibility and authority generally creates a need for changed behaviour patterns. Inexperienced workers may not be able to perform their roles or tasks in work groups in a competent manner.


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