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Human Resource Management th BBA 5 Dr Aziz Javed

1- Introduction 2- Jo design and analysis 3- Recruitment and selection 4- Selection, testing and interviewing 5- Promotion, transfer, lay-off and discharge 6- Training

Book. BEACH, Dale S., personnel: The management of people at work 4th or 5th edition

Introduction to HR
y Definition of HRM y Nature of HRM y Functions of personnel manager y Personnel policies y Policy and procedure formulation

Chapter 1

human resource management The policies and practices one needs to carry out the people or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising

HRM Includes:
Employment Issues
y Recruitment y Selection y Induction / Orientation y Training and Professional Development y Performance Appraisal and Management y Career Development y Quality of Work Life y Retention and Turnover

Human Resources Management

Definition of HRM

Chapter 1

 The process of attracting, developing and maintaining a talented

and energetic workforce to support organisational mission, objectives and strategies.


utilize the resources in hand efficiently to achieve the predetermined organizational goals  Resources financial, Human and material  MGT involves organizing, directing, co-ordination and evaluation at work  Functions of MGT undertaking of risk and handling of uncertainty planning and innovation, co-ordination and administration Routine supervision

of people

Definition of HRM
 Managers do what?

Chapter 1

Interact with people Accomplish results through and with others They lead persuade and influence  Human Resource MGT or Personnel MGT

Managing the people at work

discontents and frustrations, complaints of favoritism and discrimination, are reported by employees and HENCE absenteeism, accidents, unionization, turnover intentions, and burnout

Nature of HRM

Chapter 1

y The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure

effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals

Functions of HRM

Functions of HRM
y Procurement of HR y Development of HR y Compensation y Integration of interests y Maintenance of man power y Provision of welfare facilities

Chapter 1

Functions of HRM
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Conducting job analysis. Planning future needs and supplies. Recruiting and selecting employees. Orienting and training employees. Managing wages and benefits. Performance appraisal. Communicating (discipline and services). Building employee commitment (incentives).

The HR Functions

The Human Resource system

The Harvard Model of Human Resource Management

Guests Model of HRM

The Context of HRM

Features of HRM
y Managing people y People oriented process y Develop employees potentialities y Integral part y Secures co-operation y Future oriented

Chapter 1

Importance of HRM
y Significance for enterprises y Professional significance y Social significance y National significance

Chapter 1

The importance of HRM

(1) (2)

People is the key factor of production. Productivity is the key to measure a nations economic growth potential, and labor quality is the key to improving productivity.

(3) (4)

Competition today is the competition for talents. Since man is the most uncontrollable and unpredictable variable of all production variables, organizational success depends on the management of people.

Organization and individual

(1) (2)

Organization needs: Profits, productivity and markets. Individual needs: Maslows Need Hierarchy Physiological needs, security, belonging, self-respect and selfactualization.

(3) Coordinating organization and individual needs: goal of HRM.

Traditional Philosophy of HRM

y Man is selfish, rebellious and uncooperative y Lazy and if left alone, will act in a mean and base manner y Avoid responsibility and lacks ambition y Want to be closely directed y Theory X (authority and control) or authoritarian style y Production oriented not people oriented y end justifies the mean (Niccolo Machiaveelli)

Traditional Philosophy of HRM

y a prince or a ruler must put a side such questions as integrity,

morality, and honor, he should follow any tactics that will maintain himself in power and preserve the state or the army
y Men are acquisitive, and seek power and prestige y Survival of the fittest, liberty of action and individualism y Weak, Infirm, incompetent will fall by the wayside

Traditional Philosophy of HRM

y Hard work is the only key to success y Only superior human beings will survive y Jobs are clearly defined y Fitting the person the job rather than adapting the job to the

y Bureaucratic style y Monetary incentives on one hand and threats, fear and the Specter

of discharge on the other hand

Traditional Philosophy

y Depends only upon economic motivators y carrot and stick y This management style (authoritarian) is practiced in arm forces, private

business, and Govt bureaucracy

y Better for short term results, BUT

High achievements, creativity, enthusiasm, and feeling of selfresponsibility Paternalism

Modern philosophy
y Based on optimistic view about human beings y Human is not predatory by nature y No one is good or bad rather behavior reflects the character of

their life experiences

y People have potential for growth and achievement y It is the job of MGT to utilize people this instinct

Modern philosophy
y Douglas McGregor, Renis Likert, Chris Argyris, Frederick

Herzberg and Blak and Mouton

y Also called supportive MGT or theory Y or and MGT by

integration and self-control (system 4)

y People have innate capacity for exercising initiative, accepting

responsibility, and making worthwhile contribution

y People do not inherently dislike work y Work can be meaning and satisfying experience

Modern philosophy
y Employees work to achieve organizational goals only if, such

behavior is compatible with their own goals

y Integration of goals and commitment to the organization y To involve employees in decision making y MGT is responsible for developing a team have strong sense of

y Manager represent his group to higher MGT and ORGZL goals to


Modern philosophy
y Mutual trust y Manager understand the problems of subordinates y Mangers try to utilize the creative abilities of all employees y Information are shared and system is more open y Management involves employees in planning and controlling but

ultimate responsibility still rest with top MGT

y Economic, social egoistic motivators y Criticism: soft, and ineffective

Acceptability of second philosophy

y Haire, Ghiselli, and Porter from University of California


managers in fourteen different countries)

y Majority of managers are close to traditional approach y They do believe in second style but practically engaged in first

approach BUT
y As the level of education of employees improves, and more

talented people enter industry, greater autonomy is granted

Personnel policies
y Plan of action y Statement of intention committing MGT to a general course of

y Procedure is a method of carrying out a policy y Why adopt definite policies?

Top MGT rarely know about the pros and cons of HR policies

Reason for having HR policies.

y Shows that MGT give deep thought to both ORGZL and

employees needs
y Favoritism and discrimination are eliminated y Continuity of action is assured even though top MGT is changed y Policies serve as a standard of performance. y Sound policies help to build employee enthusiasm and loyalty

Formulating personnel policies

y Five principles of formulating HR policies i.e

1- Past practices in the organization 2- Prevailing practices among other companies in the community in same industry 3- Attitudes and philosophy of the BOD and top MGT 4- Attitude and philosophy of middle MGT 5- knowledge and experience gained from handling HR issues

Communication of policies
y HR policies should be in written form y With written policies, every body knows the company HR

policies and can be easily communicated

y Written policies help prevent managers to discriminate and avoid

y Ensures consistency on pay structure, promotion and other job

related issues

Recruitment and selection chapter 3

y The planning process y Recruitment and selection policy y Sources of people y The selection process

Selection, testing and interviewing Chapter 4

y Fundamental guidance to testing y Testing concept y Developing a test program y Types of tests y The selection interview

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