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Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences

BJMC Sem VI Behavioral Science

Ms. Megha Kochhar Relationship Psychologist email:



Workshop 1 : Workshop 2: Workshop 3: Workshop 4: Workshop 5:
Introduction to Stress Relationship b/w Stress and Life Causes and consequences of stress Coping strategies to deal with stress Life Style Management to avoid stress


Care For All : Sensitizing Youth towards Differently Abled

Rating Scale

WORKSHOP 1: Introduction to Stress

When the pressure of life, in what ever form it comes, exceeds your ability to cope, then you are in the whole arena of stress Professor Cary Cooper Physiological and psychological state of disruption A Perceived threat real or imagined to ones

mind, body , spirit and emotion

Types of Stress
1.Eustress: These feelings sure make us feel good and they are the so-called "good stress" or "positive stress". They are able to exert a healthy effect on you The thrill and excited feeling while watching a horror movie The feeling of excitement when you won a game or race The accomplishment of a challenge The proud feeling of being a first time parent The happy feeling of being loved The excitement of going for a holiday Eustress is also often called the curative stress because it gives a person the ability to generate the best performance or maximum output.

Types of Stress
2. Distress : When there is good or positive stress, there is also
"bad" or "negative stress". These types of stress is the opposite of Eustress and it's called Distress
This stress is caused by adverse events and it often influences a persons ability to cope. This stress leads to physiological and psychological changes Some events leading to distress are: Death of a loved one - Financial problems - Heavy work responsibility and workload - Strained relationship - Chronic illnesses Distress can be classified further as acute stress or chronic stress. Acute stress is short-lived while chronic stress is usually prolonged in nature.

Types of Stress
3.Hyperstress: When a person is pushed beyond what he or she can handle, they will experience what we called hyperstress. Hyperstress results from being overloaded or overworked. Its like being stressed out. When someone is hyperstressed, even little things can trigger a strong emotional response. People who are most likely to suffer from hyperstress are: Working mothers who have to multi-task, juggling between work and family commitments People who are under constant financial strains. Generally people working in fast pace environment.

Types of Stress
4. Hypostress : Hypostress stands in direct opposite to

hyperstress. Hypostress is one of those types of stress experienced by a person who is constantly bored. Someone in an unchallenging job, such as a factory worker Performing the same task over and over, will often experience Hypostress. The effect of Hypostress is feelings of restlessness and a lack of inspiration.

Common Symptoms of Stress

Work Performance
Performance declining Silly mistakes Poor planning Motivation Commitment Indecision Memory lapse Longer hours Fewer holidays taken

Regression Withdrawal Aggressive Behaviour

Crying Arguments Undue: -sensitivity -irritability -moodiness Overreaction to problems Personality clashes Sulking Late for work Leaving early Extended lunches Absenteeism Resigned attitude Reduced social contact Elusiveness or evasiveness Malicious gossip Criticism of others Vandalism Shouting Bullying or harassment Poor employee relations Temper outbursts

Other Physical Behaviours Signs

Out of character behaviour Difficulty in relaxing Increased alcohol consumption Increased smoking Lack of interest in appearance or hygiene Reckless driving Nervous stumbling speech Sweating Tiredness or lethargy Stomach upsets Tension headaches Hand tremor Rapid weight gain/loss Constantly feeling cold


Sources of Stress
1. Environmental : Time Pressure, work demand 2. Physiological: Aging, illness,lifestyle,diet, poor sleep, trauma 3. Emotional : relationships, ambitions, desires 4. Mental : Perception, thoughts, imagination 5. Behavioral: Affectionate, hostile, possessive, independent 6. Transpersonal : Personality, values, attitudes, beliefs, ideals Regret of the Past or Fear of the future

Activity - 1
Ice-breaking Activity
Name of the Activity : Positive Adjectives of Stress Objective of the Activity : To give the word stress a Positive meaning Description of Activity : Activity to be written and explained S - Synergy T - Teamwork R - Realistic E - Energetic S - Strength S Success

Give your own Adjectives of Stress

Learning outcome : To be added based on self Learning

Activity - 2
Name of the Activity : Guess the Stressor Instructions : All the students have to write any 2 things that are the main stressors in their lives and Two things that relieve them of the stress they have Now each student will be asked to come any enact any one and others need to guess the cause or remedial measure used for stress. The person who guesses it right takes the next turn. This way each person gets to know one and other and respects their sensitivities in the coming times Objective of the Activity: To sensitize all the members in the class not to be a cause of stress to each other and follow strategies that help people in their environment to be distressed Detailed Description of the Activity Learning Outcome:

Activity - 3
Name of the Activity : How Stressed are You Objective of the Activity: To judge the level of stress in our lives with the help of a psychometric test Detailed Description of the Activity: Learning outcome:

Activity - 4
Name of the Activity Understanding Stress Objective of the Activity Analysis of Self Detailed Description of the Activity: Learning outcome:

Workshop 2 : Relationship b/w Stress and Life

Stress is insidious: it creeps up on us on padded feet, and suddenly thrusts a knife in our vulnerable spot. Knowing what stress is, is one way of avoiding it; being able to recognise it in ourselves is probably more difficult than recognising it in someone else. - Institute of Counselling

General Adaptation Syndrome: Three Stages of Stress

Alarmthe fight or flight response Resistancethe body attempts to reestablish equilibrium Exhaustionthe physical and psychological resources used to deal with stress are depleted




Severe Exhaustion Stage

Chronic sadness or depression Chronic mental and physical fatigue Chronic stress related illnesses (headache, stomach ache, bowel problems, etc.) Isolation, withdrawal, self-destructive thoughts

Figure 9.1 The General Adaptation System

Physical Toll of Stress

Hypertension Stroke Heart disease Kidney disorders Depression - Alcoholism - Gastrointestinal problems -Sexual dysfunctions

Student Stressors: Interpersonal

One of the most common problems facing college students Often doesnt hit until a few weeks or a month after the big move

Relationship problems
Very common stressor Difficulty maintaining long-distance relationships Loosing touch with old friends

Student Stressors: Internal

Procrastination Perfectionism Problems with goal setting and time management

Other Stressors
Job stressors
Conflict with coworkers Unrealistic work loads Tight deadlines and last minute projects

Technological stressors Environmental stressors

Stress and Gender

Physical Aspects of Stress Management

Sleep Exercise Nutrition

Social Aspects of Stress Management

Make time to have fun and play Laughter is effective Human contact through social connections Pets can reduce stress

Environmental Aspects of Stress Management

Reduce noise levels Amount/type of light Meaningful and challenging experiences Aesthetic quality of inhabited space
Color Plants Photos Smell

Psychological Aspects of Stress Management

Relaxation and deep breathing Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) Guided imagery and visualization Meditation Hypnosis Biofeedback

Cognitive Aspects of Stress Management

Time management
Assess your habits Use a planner Set goals and prioritize

Stress inoculation Cognitive self-talk Conquering procrastination Combating perfectionism

6 Rules of stress free Work-life Balance

Get clear on your priorities: Ask yourself What cant I live without even one day? If its your job then you will focus your entire life around your work If you put your family first then you will be able to turn down a promotion if you realize that the extra money is probably not worth it. prepare yourself for the consequences of your choices.

6 Rules of stress free Work-life Balance

2. One thing at a time :If you look at any A-type personality you will notice that single-tasking is the most difficult thing in the world for them If you work from home then you need to be working and not thinking about taking care of the kids or house chores. After work you need to stop thinking about projects or deadlines and focus on one thing: your free time or your family.

6 Rules of stress free Work-life Balance

3. Cut back on unnecessary activities. Unnecessary activities tend to clutter our schedule stealing precious time from the activities that we truly enjoy. Some of these examples can be watching TV, social media and Facebook, meeting people you dont truly like etc

6 Rules of stress free Work-life Balance

4. Protect your non-work time. Your free time is an asset that you should protect at all costs. When we think about work we usually have certain hours that we have to spend working. We do not even think about other activities at that time. Its a good idea to turn off your cell phone when you are away from work

6 Rules of stress free Work-life Balance

5. Keep yourself clutter free. The more things you have on your desk, in your house or on your schedule the more projects you immediately envision ahead of you. The thought of having a ton of tasks ahead of you is enough to make you stressed out 24/7 Keep only your most essential things on your desk decluttering day every month

6 Rules of stress free Work-life Balance

6. Be great at your job One of the secrets to finding work/life balance is being satisfied with your job. If you absolutely hate what you are doing then you wont be able to find any balance in life If there is at least something that you love about your job then you should remind yourself about it as often as possible. When you are happy with what you are doing you are able to produce results, generate ideas and be great at whatever you are doing.

Transactional Analysis
View Doc

Locus of Control and Stress

The term locus of control refers to whether you feel your life is controlled by you or by forces outside yourself. Internal LOC - Those with an internal locus of control feel that they have choice in their lives and control over their circumstances. External LOC - feel more at the mercy of external events People with internal locus of control tend to feel happier, more free, and less stress. They also enjoy better health , and are more satisfied with life in general. External locus of control are more susceptible to depression as well as other health problems, and tend to keep themselves in situations where they will experience additional stress, feeling powerless to change their own circumstances, which just adds to their stress load.

Name of the Activity : Case study on work and Life Stress Objective of the Activity : To understand the pressure of various stressors in life and how to manage and cope in the present environment. Learning outcome Description in detail

Activity 2
Name of the Activity Test your Locus of Control Objective of the Activity: To measure Internal or External Locus of Control. Description of the Activity Learning Outcome

Activity -3
Where Am I Stuck? Why Am I Stuck? What can I do? Flowchart Form Objective: to understand the root cause of stress and your initiative towards handling it

Workshop 3 - Causes and consequences of stress

Family problems, relationship problems, job problems Financial difficulties, poor health, death of love one(s) Mechanical breakdowns, false expectation etc. Pressure up for grade A or B Overload of assignment (overwhelming







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Excessive fatigue Gastric disturbance Withdraw from social life Menstrual problems Speech difficulties More impatient Headaches Infertility Ulcers Nail biting Grinding teeth Low blood sugar High blood sugar


14. Need more sleep 15. Tired but can't sleep 16. Sudden weight loss 17. Sudden weight gain 18. Low blood pressure 19. High blood pressure 20 .Lack of coordination 21. Repeated influenza 22. Repeated colds 23. Muscle aches 24. Hair loss 25. Chest pain


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Forgetfulness Nervous talking Lower back pain Loss of appetite Increased appetite High cholesterol High triglycerides

Emotional signs and symptoms of stress

Irritability Angry outbursts Hostility Depression Jealously Restlessness Withdrawal Decreased perception of positive Experience opportunities Narrowed focus Obsessive rumination Reduced self-esteem emotional response reflexes Weakened positive emotional response reflexes

Behavioral Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Increased smoking Aggressive behaviors (such as driving road rage, etc.) Increased alcohol or drug use Carelessness Under-eating Over-eating Nervous Laughter Impatience Withdrawal

Causes & Consequences of stress

Common Causes of Stress: Organizational Stressors

Task Demands
Stressors associated with the specific job a person performs. Some occupations are by nature more stressful than others.

Physical Demands
Stressors associated with the jobs physical setting, such as the adequacy of temperature and lighting.

Common Causes of Stress: Organizational Stressors

Role Demands
Stressors associated with the role a person is expected to play.
Role ambiguity arises when a role is unclear. Role conflict occurs when the messages and cues constituting a role are clear but contradictory or mutually exclusive. Role overload occurs when expectations for the role exceed the individuals capacity.

Interpersonal Demands
Stressors associated with group pressures, leadership, and personality conflicts.

Consequences of Stress: Individual Consequences

Behavioral Consequences
The behavioral consequences of stress, such as alcohol abuse, may harm the person under stress or others.

Psychological Consequences
Psychological consequences relate to a persons mental health and well-being.

Medical Consequences
Medical consequences affect a persons physical wellbeing. Heart disease and stroke, among other illnesses, have been linked to stress.

Consequences of Stress: Individual Consequences

One clear organizational consequence of too much stress is a decline in performance.

The most significant forms of withdrawal behavior are absenteeism and quitting.

Stress can have a negative effect on job satisfaction, morale, organizational commitment, and motivation to perform at high levels.

Consequences of Stress: Individual Consequences

Is the general feeling of exhaustion that develops when an individual simultaneously experiences too much pressure and has too few sources of satisfaction.

Activity - 1
Name of the Activity : Burn Out Assessment Tool Objective of Activity: to assess the Level of burnout we feel in the present learning Environment Description of the Activity Learning Outcome:

Activity -2
Name of the Activity: How High is Your Stress Index Objective of the Activity : To assess level of stress after 2 workshops Description of the Activity Learning Outcome:

Activity -3
Name of the Activity : Design your Stress web Instructions: Draw a circle and divide the circle into various life areas like: Family,friends,emotions,ethical,behavioral,social, environmental, academic stress Rate each within the circle between 0-5, where 1- high stress and 5 least stress. Join the dots View the Web Objective of the Activity : To judge the intensity of the area of stress with the help of stress Web Description of the Activity Learning Outcome:

Activity -4
Name of the Activity : Role Play Objective of the Activity : To learn the causes and consequences of stress and avoid them in future How personality factors like Type A and Type B lead to stress Situations : 1. A high Pressure Career 2. Financial Worries 3. High Expectations 4. Long Term Abusive relationships

Workshop 4- Coping strategies to deal with stress

A-Z of Stress Management

Lesson for The day

To Be Remembered

Stress management Techniques

Stress reduction idea 1 humor
Humor works because laughter produces helpful chemicals in the brain
Humor also gets your brain thinking and working in a different way it distracts you from having a stressed mindset. Distraction is a simple effective de-stressor it takes your thoughts away from the stress, and thereby diffuses the stressful feelings. Therefore most people will feel quite different and notice a change in mindset after laughing and being distracted by something humorous.

Stress management Technique 2

Go for a short quick really brisk walk outside. Yes, actually leave the building. Change your environment. Breathe in some fresh air and smell the atmosphere... Trees, rain, flowers, traffic fumes - doesn't matter stimulate your senses with new things. On your way out keep saying to yourself out loud (Soham has left the building.."): "(your name) is leaving the building.. " And when you are outside and free say: "(your name) has left the building.. "

Stress management Technique 3

catnap or powernap
(Not so easy but still perfectly possible) Take a quick nap. It is nature's way of recharging and re-energizing. A quick 10-30 minutes' sleep is very helpful to reduce stress. It's obviously essential if you are driving while tired, but a quick sleep is a powerful de-stressor too.

Stress management Technique 4

make a cup of tea Any tea will do, but a flavored cup of tea is even better. Experiment with different natural flavorings using herbs and spices and fruit. Fresh mint is wonderful, and excellent for the digestive system. Nettles are fantastic and contain natural relaxants. Orange zest is super Ginger root is brilliant. Many herbs, spices, fruits and edible plants make great flavored tea, and many herbs and spices have real therapeutic properties.

Fresh mint and ginger tea recipe: Put all this into a teapot and add boiling water for 2-3 cups. Allow to brew for a minute or two, stir and serve. (This is enough for 2-3 mug-sized servings): 1-1 heaped teaspoons of green tea leaves 2-4 sprigs of fresh mint (a very generous handful of leaves with or without the stems - more than you might imagine) 3-6 zest scrapes of an orange half a teaspoon of chopped ginger root 2-4 teaspoons of sugar or 1-2 teaspoons of honey - more or less to taste Alter the amounts to your own taste.

Practice yoga and meditation is the best way Keep yourself healthy and have enough sleep Treat yourself to a massage Be strong and confident A little violence on your pillow is not a crime! Laugh and relax more Do not expect perfection from yourself Learn to say No and learn to delegate Do it your way!

Avoid bad fight and Escapism Stress can damage your health (heart) If stress gets worse and you cannot cope with it, seek professional help Beware of physical symptoms Beware of junk food Do not blame yourself If youre really in death-end, just think that you still have one person loves you, YOURSELF

Relaxation Technique
The Relaxation Response: Sit quietly and comfortably. Close your eyes. Start by relaxing the muscles of your feet and work up your body relaxing muscles. Focus your attention on your breathing. Breathe in deeply and then let your breath out. Count your breaths, and say the number of the breath as you let it out. Do this for ten or twenty minutes

Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness is about being completely in touch with the present moment and being open to experiences as they come.

How to Bring More Mindfulness into Your Life

Have you ever started eating an ice cream cone, taken a lick or two, then noticed all you had was a sticky napkin in your hand? The consequences of this inattention can be quite costly. They can result in our missing some really good things, and also in our ignoring really important information and messages about our life, our relationships, and even our own health. Our reactions to the stressful events of our lives can become so habituated that they occur essentially out of our awareness These reactions can include tensing the body, experiencing painful emotional states, even panic and depression, and being prisoners of habits of thinking and self-talk including obsession list making, and intense, even toxic, self-criticism. So, we can practice mindfulness and become more present. All we have to do is to establish attention in the present moment, and to allow ourselves to be with what is here. To rest in the awareness of what is here. To pay attention without trying to change anything. To allow ourselves to become more deeply and completely aware of what it is we are sensing! And to be with what it is we are experiencing. To rest in this quality of being, of being aware, in each moment as our life unfolds.

List of Ways to Practice mindfulness

1. 1. When you wake up in the morning, notice your breathing before you get out of bed. The quality of our breath tells us a lot about our state of being. When the breath is slow and steady we are calm and peaceful. When the breath is constricted we are tense. 2. 2. Before you get out of bed, notice your thoughts. What was your first thought upon waking? This practice helps us get in touch with what is on the mind and in our dreams 3. 3. When possible, eat silently. Before you eat, consider all the people involved in providing the food on your plate farmers, truck drivers, people in supermarkets. Offer gratitude for all these people.

List of Ways to Practice mindfulness

4. 5. 6. Notice when you can stop the pressure of pushing to get where you are going and simply enjoy the process of getting there. Practice mindful, conscious breathing throughout your day: at work, while sitting down, at your desk, at your computer, while speaking on the phone and in person. Allow yourself to be calm and peaceful. Use daily cues as reminders to be mindful: the doorbell, the telephone, a mindfulness bell on your computer, turning on a light, checking your watch or a clock for the time. Approach meals with mindfulness and gratitude. Really taste what you are eating. As you leave your daily activities, take a moment to appreciate what you have accomplished and consider how you have interacted with others. Wash your speech kind, helpful and appropriate to the situation?



List of Ways to Practice mindfulness

9. Become aware of your breathing, smile, notice the quality of your thoughts and feelings. 10. As you go to bed and prepare for sleep, breathe, become aware of your body and relax, and let go of daily activities and of your anticipation of tomorrow. 11. Practice mindfulness while driving: Driving becomes a habit; however, there is a lot that goes into driving. Next time you go for a drive, be mindful of the sights around you, the radio playing, the noise your car makes as you accelerate or decelerate, the way the air conditioner or heater feels against your skin, or any other sensation associated with driving. There are a number of rich experiences associated with driving -- try to discover as many as you can through mindfulness. Wishing you the gift of mindfulness each and every day.

The four Rs of Stress Management

4Rs of managing stress Reducing: Time Management Positive Self Talk Make Good Decisions Regulate : Rest (Sleep) Exercise Good Diet Relaxing: Talk with a friend or trusted adult. Guided Imagery Visualization Releasing

Name of the Activity : Sense the Sensation Objective of the Activity: Stress management Description of the Activity : Follow the steps given to practice mindfulness Now count 1-10 and repeat till the time you gain focus Then write 2 things you can feel, See and touch around you

Activity - 2
Name of the Activity : Diary of Thoughts Objective of the Activity: To know what thoughts and feelings govern our mind Description of the Activity: Every time a thought or feeling that persists in your mind Write it in a diary. Dont hesitate if there is a repetition of a feeling or thought. Learning Outcome

Activity -3
Name of the Activity : Mindfulness Eating Objective of the Activity: Pay attention to all the sensations that are associated with eating, such as smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound. Be mindful with every bite you take. Description of the Activity: While eating a chocolate we were asked to feel every bit of feeling attached with it, related to the taste, smell, texture,smell and feeling. Learning outcome

Activity -4
Name of the Activity : My Social Support Objective of the Activity : Importance of Social support in our lives Description of the Activity : writing about ones social support in Personal Journal in detail Learning outcome

Workshop 5 Lifestyle management to Avoid Stress

What is health ?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being and not merely the absence of disease. Physical Health : Good bodily health, result of regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition and proper rest for physical recovery.

Mental Health :It refers to individuals emotional and psychological well-being. Being able to handle normal level of stress, recover from difficult situation Mind Intellect Ego Social Health :Maintaining satisfying relationship with everyone around

Lifestyle Disorders
Overweight and obesity are associated with high blood pressure / cholesterol levels and increased risk of developing diabetes (insulin resistance). Excess body fat accounts for nearly 60% and 20 % diabetes and cardiovascular disease respectively. Elevated cholesterol alone responsible for 60% of CVD morbidity globally.

Pillars of healthy living

Ahar- Food: Food taken in proper Quantity Proper Quality and Proper time Nidra Sleep : sleeping on time is very essential Bramhcharya Control of any desire

Pillars of healthy living

Dincharya (Daily routine) The schedule to be followed everyday regarding diet, activities and behaviour which are vital components of ones Wellbeing Ritucharya The seasonal Time- Table discussing in detail how one should adopt to the Lifestyle according to the seasonal changes is Ritucharya

Stages of disorders

Dysfunction Behaviour /Habit Attitude Mood Emotions

Consume a diet Rich in vegetables and fruit.
Take variety of vegetables and fruits (all coloured) Avoid eating more high calorie fruits (mango, banana, jack fruit etc) Whole fruit is better than fruit juice because it contains fibre Whatever is green reduces fat and blood sugar Sweet, sour and salty increases fat and blood sugar

Choose whole-grain, high fiber food Fiber reduces LDL and risk of CVD Consume Fish, especially oily fish at least twice a week Avoid taking egg yolk which is high in cholesterol Avoid saturated fat (animal fat and ghee,butter, malai etc.) Use toned milk

Minimize intake of sugar and sugar added food (glucose, sucrose, fructose etc). Sugar has hollow calorie and it is called sweet poison. Eat Multi-grain bread/roti Use oil in limited quantity and in variety Prepare food with little or no salt Minimise animal protein Stop or minimize alcohol intake. Alcohol has also hollow calorie.

Drink sufficient water : 3 to 3.5 ltr Use boiling, roasting, steaming, baking for cooking and avoid frying. Take medicine only if required and prescribed by doctor Dont take pain killer unnecessarily Trust on internal medicine factory of the body Use Tulsi-tea, lemon juice, amla juice, coconut water etc Maintain PH value



and Refined carbohydrates

Samosa, Chop Moghlai Parotha Chowmin Egg Roll / chicken roll Kachauri, Bhatura, Nan Cheese Pakora/ ball Potato finger chips Fried & salty cashew nuts Cake /Bread /Pastry/ patties Hot dog/ burger/ pizza..

Healthy Food
Fruits Roasted Cereals like gram, peanuts, pulses etc. Sprouted cereals Puffed rice Chhole / Ghugni Butter milk (mattha) Pop corn /Bhutta Salad Skimmed milk Idly & sambhar Litty & bharta Chira pulao Whole wheat biscuit Nuts (without salt)

Avoid three things



80 % of diseases are psycho-somatic

- World Health Organisation

The Benefits of a Positive Attitude

It maintains the chemical balance of our body and keeps us healthy We take better decisions of our problems It make a pleasant personality Life becomes enjoyable Motivates others It makes us important member of society Improves our productivity Everybody likes us

The Consequences of a Negative Attitude It disturbs the chemical balance of body and leads to disease and ill health Bitters relationship People get annoyed Increases tension for self and others Life becomes aimless Increases problems

Time management
Plan your routine Prioritize your Work Make a plan of Action Carry a pilot run List things that you can accomplish

Time Management Matrix

Stephen Covey, Author of the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Avoid Procastination
The act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off to a future time; delay; "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today" "Someday is not a day of the week." "Procrastination is like a credit card: its a lot fun until you get the bill." ~

Deal with Procastination

Know the Root Cause Correct your thoughts How do you eat an elephant one bite at a time Make a small deal with yourself Motivate yourself

Activity -1
Name of the Activity : Design your Life style chart Objective of the Activity : Develop a healthy life style Description of the Activity : Divide the chart in different columns General Life style practices, Faulty life style practices, Idealistic life style practices & Realistic life style practices as per your own understanding. Learning outcome

Activity - 2
Name of the Activity: Am I a Procastinator

Objective : To test the degree of Procastination Description of the Activity Learning Outcome

Activity 3
Name of the Activity: Time Management Matrix Objective of the Activity : To plan our time and prioritize events in life Description of the Activity Learning Outcome

Journal For Success

One Copy of the PowerPoint Presentation to be attached in the journal All 110 slides not be attached. Six Slides from each Workshop to be included. i.e. 30 slides min. The print of the Activities in the Ppt not to be taken. The Activities to be written like always. Workshop wise in the format prescribed. Last Date for submission is 23rd March12

Social Awareness program

Last Date for submission is 23rd March12

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