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We are surrounded by water but there is not drop to drink Second year

Projet Comenius 2011-12

Mois Septembre Octobre Novembre Janvier Mars Avril Mai Juin pays daccueil Croatie France Slovaquie Grande Br. Grce Hongrie Lettonie Roumanie thme classe L eau dans lart maternelle Leau et la lumire primaire et 5me Eau, thrapie et relaxation 4me Leau dans lunivers Atelier Comment conomiser leau Atelier Etre lami et non lennemi de leau Rassemblement des productions Guide cologique Atelier


L eau dans lart


Par les lves de maternelle

Ink and felt pens

Playing with Mir and the britghtness of the colours


Par les lves de 4me au cours du voyage pdagogique en Auvergne



Definition and History

Definition: All of the activities connected to the exploitationand use of thermal waters History At 1050 metres of altitude, sourced from the Dordogne, the Mont-Dore is a veritable feast of Auvergne mountains It was developed at the end of the 19th century on the basis of thermal activity Once frequented by George Sands, Balzac and even Marcel Proust, the station owes it'sfame not only to the purity of its air and the properties of its thermal waters: its ancient thermal baths, are amongst the most beautiful in Europe. Since 1936 the construction of a cable-car made Mont-Dore the third winter sports station in France

Health Benefits
To relieve the pain of patients, the Mont-Dore thermal station used thermal waters in the management of thermal treatment such as; drinking the water cure, bath with shower with pool immersion, bath with underwater shower, shower from a jet, a localized shower, shower with moving steam, steam rooms, mobility pool, and if needs be, subcutaneous injections of thermal gas.

Health Benefits
The thermal cure, 'Respiratory Ways' of Mont-Dore used thermal waters to intervene in treatment management such as; drinking the water cure, nasal and pharyngeal irrigation, pulverization, aerosol, pharyngeal shower, nasal steam shower, Proetz method, collective inhalation, collective aerosol, bath, jet shower, steam shower, respiratory reeducation.

Be friend of water

water in plants
Water is at the origin of what life on Earth was created. For more than a billion years have developed in the oceans uni cellular organisms (bacteria, algae, protozoa) then appeared in multicellular organisms, the first plants, invertebrate animals first and then vertebrate.



Atelier Comenius 6me 5me

Water is an indispensable resource in our daily life. This resource is not limitless; we must keep track of our usage and lessen our usage. We must make sure that water does not become a luxury product. Each one of us can contribute to preserving this resource through simple gestures.

I have to seriously monitor water leaks


Atelier Comenius 5me


Le pouvoir purant des plantes

Il est vrai que dans la nature les plantes, aquatiques ou non, jouent un rle considrable dans la purification et lpuration des eaux naturelles. En fait, ce sont surtout les bactries qui vivent en symbiose avec les racines ou celles qui sy fixent qui font le travail dpuration. Les plantes assimilent aussi les nitrates et les phosphates contenus dans leau. Elles peuvent fixer toute une srie de polluants et mme certains mtaux lourds. Lpuration par les plantes est donc un processus naturel reconstitu pour purer nos eaux uses.

Le procd qui permet de dpolluer l'eau


Polluted water and health

The rivers are often polluted, which has implications for our health. Many preparations or mixtures intended to protect plants against insects, fungi or "weeds" can penetrate the soil and accumulate to reach groundwater. In the environment some of these pesticides are transformed into molecules or degradation of metabolites which are numerous and sometimes very difficult to detect. At home, the toilet water as water washing is a source of organic pollution (fat) but also chemical (washing powders, detergents ) The Department of Health's mission is to monitor and analyze production facilities and the quality of water supply. Tap water is potable according to their criteria but one must remain alert to toxic hazards. Indeed, some French regions (mountains, countryside) where the population is supplied by small distribution units are in a worrying situation. Polluted water can contain germs that cause enteric gastroenteritis, hepatitis A, ulcers and stomach cancer in fragile populations (children, pregnant women). Cases of legionellosis were also observed.

Water is essential for agriculture:

13500 litres of water for 1 kg of meat 590 litres of water for 1 kg of wheat 524 litres of water for 1 kg of barley 454 litres of water for 1 kg of corn

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